Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2963: Devil's Palm

Chapter 2963 The Palm of Killing Demon

"No, Ling Tian, ​​you have conditions for such a small matter."

Under Di Lingtian's extremely aggressive gaze, Jun Mohuang's rosy and full red lips evoked a smirk.

She said this, but her hands actively encircled Di Lingtian's neck, marking the two perfectly shaped thin lips.

No need to ask what the conditions Di Lingtian wanted, she knew everything.

The corners of Di Lingtian's lips raised, turning passiveness into activeness, and reached out to restrain people even tighter.

Feng Yunqi and others were busy refining god-level spirit fruits, and the disciples of the Minghui Divine Sect turned off their senses and were busy regenerating their energy. No one found the intimacy between the two.


The people of Minghui Shenzong didn't let Jun Mohuang wait long.

Four hours later, Jun Mohuang led a group of people on the way to the place where the wood element god-level spirit fruit was found everywhere, and was intercepted by the Minghui Divine Sect.

The elder brothers and others almost cried with joy when they saw the lord leading all the people in the sect.

Happily, these dozen disciples began to report information to the sovereign.

"My lord, the next destination of these two strangers is the wood element god-level spiritual fruit growing place!"

"Master Sect Master, quickly take down these two strangers!"

"Minghui and all the disciples don't worry, we and the Sect Master will definitely rescue you!"

"Woman, you are so courageous, you dare to detain our disciples of the Minghui Divine Sect as prisoners, immediately release them, and hand over all the god-level spiritual fruits that you two have obtained before, and our Minghui Divine Sect forgive you both Immortal!"

A pair of old muddy eyes of the second elder suddenly brightened.

The second elder was one of the two elders injured by the Minghui Shenzong forcibly breaking through the illusion of the small vitality cyclone before, and the other was the third elder.

The two were injured by the vitality cyclone and must be cured with the god-level spirit fruit growing in the vitality cyclone.

Wood elements grow, repair, and heal. Among all god-level spirit fruits, wood element god-level spirit fruits have the best healing effect.

The next target of these two treasure hunters turned out to be the place where the wood element god-level spirit fruit grew, and he was really lucky.

"This is the spoils of our master and the emperor. How can you just let it go. If you want someone, you can take out all the black dragon orders in your hands to exchange it. Our boss and the emperor will spare you not to die."

Lord Yinyue snorted coldly, pulled his right hand forcefully, and a disciple of Minghui Shenzong who was dragged by him let out a scream.

"Hmph, so courageous, a group of ants dare to threaten Minghui Shenzong!"

A strong anger appeared on the face of the three elders, and he was preparing to act in spite of his injuries.

Suddenly aware of the strong wind blowing around him, the sovereign issued a palm wind, sharp as a sword blade.

The palm wind was good at facing the wind, and turned into a huge palm in the air, patted at Jun Mohuang and the others.

"Hehe, these two strange treasure hunters have good luck, and they actually provoke the lord of the suzerain to take action personally, then there is nothing wrong with us."

Smiles appeared on the old faces of the second elder and the third elder.

"Yes, Lord Sect Master, who is still using the Demon Killing Palm, can immediately capture these two treasure hunters. Then we will have countless god-level spirit fruits in the Minghui Divine Sect. We old guys enter It's just a matter of time to advance to the eighth stage of the Yuanshen Realm after the Divine Realm."

Five, six, seven, three elders glanced at each other, and their wrinkled faces were all smiles that were inevitable.

It is not only the six elders of the Minghui Shenzong who have such thoughts, but also the other disciples.

Everyone stared at the front with all their attention, for fear of missing the scene where Lord Sect Master slapped Feng Yunqi and other ants to death and captured the two treasure hunters, Emperor Mohuang Emperor Ling Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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