Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2962: Huang'er, I have the conditions

Chapter 2962 Huanger, I have the conditions

"Minghui and the others were captured by two treasure hunters this time. These two treasure hunters are very good at finding god-level spirit fruits. Minghui followed these people for a whole day, and now he has determined that there is no Shenzong behind them. backing."

In a few words, the lord master briefly said the message that the big brother had passed to him.

Including Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian's ability to quickly find god-level spirit fruits and unlock the defenses of the vitality cyclone, as well as their record of finding god-level spirit fruits in one day.

"There is no treasure hunting anomaly with a Shenzong background. In one day, we can find hundreds of god-level spirit fruits, more than a dozen god-level spirit fruits with element attributes... Sect Master, these two strangers, we must get our hands. !"

The two elders immediately understood the purpose of the supreme master's signal bomb.

Everyone outside who sees the red clouds in the sky will surely rush back as fast as possible.

The lord is just going to take all of the Minghui Divine Sect to capture two treasure hunters.

Their Minghui Divine Sect is already the Central Divine Sect, if they get two treasure hunters at this time, they will be even more powerful.

It is only a matter of time to succeed in the large Shenzong.

"This is natural."

The Lord Sect Master showed an arrogant look, and the two treasure hunters did not put Minghui Divine Sect in their eyes.

Humph, when he catches them, he will let them become slaves, and they will be served by Minghui Shenzong forever, without freedom.

As for everyone other than the two, there is no use value, of course they must all be killed!

An hour later, everyone in the Minghui Divine Sect was anxious and hurried back as quickly as possible.

When they learned that they had found two treasure hunters with no background, crazy emotions appeared deep in each of their eyes.

Great, God Bless Minghui Shenzong!

The lord of the sect led all the members of the Minghui Divine Sect together, following the marks made in the body of the senior brother.

On Jun Mohuang's side, the big brother who had been silent for a long time suddenly spoke.

"Dear brothers and sisters, the lord has led everyone in the sect to dispatch."

The words of the big brother completely ignited the emotions of this group of hostage disciples.

Thinking of being able to regain freedom soon, and harvest two treasure hunters as slaves, the disciples' eyes are shining brightly.

The big brother glanced at Jun Mohuang and others who were retreating to refine the god-level spirit fruit, and a sneered sneered at the corner of his lips.

Hmph, these people don't know what kind of tragic fate they are facing.

This is what caused the Minghui Divine Sect!

After successfully contacting the suzerain and getting a reply from the suzerain, all the disciples of Minghui Shenzong relaxed their vigilance and began to rest with their eyes closed.

Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian both woke up from their cultivation state at the same time.

No, to be precise, it was the two who refined god-level spirit fruits at all.

"After pretending for so long, the tail of the fox finally appeared." It was really embarrassing for these people.

Jun Mohuang glanced at the big brother, and the corners of his lips hooked slightly.

If her guess is correct, the Sect Master Minghui Shenzong is bringing everyone forward quickly.

"Ling Tian, ​​don't take action this time, I want to try Luo Chen's full elemental attack power."

Di Lingtian had already advanced to the middle stage of the eighth stage of the Primordial God Realm. If he made a move, everyone in the Minghui Divine Sect would not have finished playing.

"it is good."

"But Huang'er, I have the conditions."

Di Lingtian stretched out his arms and took her in his arms. A pair of **** eyes stayed on the full red lips, gradually becoming very aggressive.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you for looking up at the sky and smiling presumptuously. Baby's reward.

(End of this chapter)

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