Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2959: Shocked to speak

Chapter 2959 is shocked to be speechless

Fire back the elemental spirit fruit, which is pretty serious, and the nose has eyes.

It has been seven days since they entered this forest by the Minghui Divine Sect, even if they didn't find a god-level spirit fruit, they would believe the words of Jun Mohuang.

"I'm really sorry, the god-level spirit fruit tree is really my master's back garden. The unseen soil buns, wait to be shocked and speechless."

The old turtle hummed, sorry, his master is the goddess of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan. In the future, he will unify the gods and the women of the entire True God Continent.

This virgin forest is not a back garden.

The big brother wanted to say something, but Master Yinyue grabbed his ankle.

The senior brother could not maintain his balance and fell to the ground.

"This kind of person talks nonsense with him, master's time is precious, let's go."

Lord Yinyue's hands dragged the big brother like a pig's head, and followed Emperor Jun Mo Huang Ling Tian.

The others started to follow the example of Lord Yinyue, dragging the hostages in Minghui to keep up.

In the primeval forest, a strange scene soon appeared.

Emperor Jun Mo and Huang Emperor Ling Tian and his party swiftly galloped through the forest. A dozen people were dragged like dead pigs, constantly rubbing on the ground.

Senior brother and other disciples of the Minghui Divine Sect, the roots and stones on the ground stumbled to blood.

They were badly injured and lost part of their life essence and blood, and they couldn't even afford a trace of resistance.

The big brother clenched his fists in the constant friction and impact between the back and the head.

hateful! This group of people, knowing that he is the future Sect Master of the Minghui Divine Sect, dare to do this to him.

When the sect master brought the elders of the Minghui Divine Sect to the door, it was the time when this group of people died!

The big brother and other disciples of the Minghui Divine Sect did not rub on the ground for long, but within 15 minutes, Jun Mohuang took everyone to the place where the Fire Elemental God-level spirit fruit was.

Looking at the turquoise branches and leaves, one after another, fist-big flaming red fruits hang down, making the master brother and other disciples of the Minghui Divine Sect doubt whether his eyes are blind.

"This this……"

Just as Lao Gui said, the disciples of the Minghui Divine Sect were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

There are more than 20 fire elemental god-level spirit trees in front of me, and the number of fire elemental god-level spirit fruits is even more amazing, there are about two hundred.

The place where more than twenty fire element spirit trees grow is a huge vitality cyclone.

Not every vitality cyclone will have a god-level spirit fruit growing.

After they entered the virgin forest, the Minghui Divine Sect had been busy without sleep for seven days, and finally found a small vitality cyclone without any god-level spiritual fruit.

This group of people searched for fifteen minutes, and they really found a god-level spirit fruit, with a god-level spirit fruit that really possessed the attributes of the fire element.

The gap between this is simply a world of difference.

"Hehe, I was so shocked that I couldn't speak."

Laogui and Yinyue-sama laughed a few words, and everyone ignored their emotions.

The Fire Elemental Spirit Fruit was in front of him, who would waste time on the people of Minghui Divine Sect.

In the emotions of envy, jealousy, and shock of this group of disciples, everyone began to practice here after taking the spirit fruit of the fire element.

After half an hour, the fire element spirit fruit was refined, and the vitality in this vitality cyclone was completely absorbed.

Jun Mohuang led everyone to continue to the next destination.

The disciples of Minghui Shenzong still enjoyed the treatment of dragging the pig to death.

These disciples thought that Emperor Mohuang had discovered that the god-level fire elemental spirit fruit was already against the sky in such a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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