Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2958: Fire Elemental Spirit Fruit

Chapter 2958 Fire Elemental God-level Spirit Fruit

They are just a group of not-so-ordinary disciples, and even the four elders can kill each other without hesitation. This group of people will definitely kill them.

As for the big brother, Jun Mohuang could stay as a hostage and take the opportunity to blackmail Minghui Shenzong.


The senior brother did not expect that he would be sold by the same junior fellow so easily.

Because of anger, the blood in the body rolls faster, and the life essence blood is lost faster.

"Wow, this is a big fish, the future Sect Master of Minghui Shenzong!"

After learning the true identity of the big brother, Lord Yinyue held his palm and laughed.

"Boss, this future Sect Master, what are we going to do with it?"

"Boss, someone makes a suggestion. We only have fifteen black dragon orders this time, which is not enough. It's better to take this future suzerain as a hostage, and let the Minghui Divine Sect hand over all the black dragon orders to replace the hostages and act as peace against the boss. How about the apology of Emperor Zun?"

Feng Yunqi moved to Jun Mohuang's side with a smirk on his face.

No matter how powerful the so-called Minghui Divine Sect is, it is not a matter of flickering that he meets his boss and emperor.

But the boss and the emperor are also very busy, how can they let the two of them take the initiative to find Minghui Shenzong, of course, it should be Minghui Shenzong who took the initiative to send things to the door.

"This is a good idea, just do it, don't kill this group of people yet."

Feng Yunqi's proposal was in line with Jun Mohuang's wishes.

In this virgin forest, god-level spirit fruit and vitality cyclones are everywhere, she still has to look for Yunling **** fruit, there is no time to waste time on Minghui Divine Sect.

"Don't you guys want to survive? Take your four elders and tell your suzerain that if he wants the future heirs of the Minghui Shenzong and the core disciples of the younger generation, he will exchange all the black dragon orders of the Minghui Shenzong."

With a flick of Jun Mohuang's sleeves, the body of the Fourth Elder flew up and hit the disciples who had just asked for mercy.

"Yes, yes, thank you for your mercy, we will definitely bring the words of the adults!"

Several disciples beamed with joy, took the bodies of the fourth elders on their backs, and left at the fastest speed.

It's not that they are so stupid that they don't know how to put the body in the space ring, but that their space ring was confiscated by Feng Yunqi and others when they were defeated.

Now they are poor and white, not to mention the space ring, not even the most common weapon.

"Take this group of people and continue, there is a god-level spirit fruit with fire element attributes not far away."

When Jun Mohuang was watching the battle, he was not idle.

Turn on the eyesight and vision function to locate all the god-level spirit fruits within a radius of thousands of miles.

"God-level spirit fruit with fire element attributes! Long live the boss!"

Feng Yunqi and the others cheered for joy, and after only this battle, they had fully realized the beauty of the god-level spirit fruit.

The reason why they were able to quickly defeat the disciples of the Minghui Divine Sect with the fighting power of the fifth stage of the Primordial Divine Realm was entirely dependent on the god-level spirit fruit.

Not long after absorbing and refining the god-level spirit fruit, the god-level spirit fruit used all of their combat advantages to the extreme.

However, this benefit also has a time limit. After another half an hour, this state will disappear without a trace.

The effect of ordinary god-level spirit fruit is already so powerful, spirit fruit with elemental attributes will only be stronger.

After refining the god-level spirit fruit with elemental attributes, without comprehending any elemental power, the heaven and earth vitality sent out will automatically attack with elemental attributes.

Everyone wants to encounter such a good thing.

"Huh, it's ridiculous, you think that the fire elemental god-level spirit fruit is not a fruit tree in your back garden, you say there is it!"

The big brother sneered with disdain, this woman bragged and didn't know how to draft.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you for looking up at the sky and smiling presumptuously. , Cheng Jiao, who took Yi, and other babies' rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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