Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2929: Does your face hurt?

Chapter 2929 Does your face hurt?

There are multiple surprises on the faces of the seven sect masters, and there are multiple triumphant colors on the faces of the sect masters without stars.

The Sect Master of the Starless God Sect was about to say something more. Suddenly, the air vibrated, and a mid-stage seventh-tier primordial spirit was pouring out like tides.

A huge black flying boat, like thunder, came quickly.

For a time, Luancheng's space was surging, everyone's body was qi and blood churning, and the heart was like a drum of war.

The powerful pressure made them feel weak in their legs, and they couldn't help but give birth to a heart of surrender.

The eight great sect masters, including the star sect master, changed their expressions, and hurriedly mobilized their vitality to resist.

"Who, who is the person, who owns such a huge flying boat, is not inferior to the eight great gods."

"This is nothing. The coercion of the incoming people has not hurt any of us, but it can make people involuntarily surrender and follow suit. This is the most terrifying thing."

"God, is this the Trump Card of the Godless Sect? No wonder the Godless Sect dared to be so arrogant this time!"

In Luancheng, all onlookers immediately exploded.

Zhao Wuling looked at the black flying boat that was getting closer and closer, and a heart had already flown out.

Yes, it can't be wrong, this is the coercion of Di Lingtian, the breath of Di Lingtian.

She was personally injured by Di Lingtian and would never admit her mistake.

The emperor she loves is not only powerful, but also rich in wealth, and even owns a flying boat.

The key is that this flying boat is not inferior to the eight gods.

She looked inanimately, it was so good!

Unlike Zhao Wuling and Joy, Zhao Wuxing's complexion is suddenly ugly.

Miss Jun and the emperor are so rich, they have offended the two without the Star God Sect, I am afraid this matter can not be good.

The black flying boat approached, and Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian stood on the deck, overlooking Luancheng.

The two beautiful faces and extraordinary bearing made everyone more curious about their identities and origins. In short, these two people will definitely not be ordinary people.

"The Emperor..."

Zhao Wuling put on the most shy look, and couldn't help but step forward with excitement.

"The emperor, you are here, this suzerain has been waiting here for the emperor for a long time."

The sect master of the Starless God Sect will stop Zhao Wuling for fear that she will ruin her good deeds.

He tried his best to contain the ecstasy that surged in his heart, but he did not expect that Di Lingtian would actually have a flying boat.

This is even better. Di Lingtian joins the Starless Divine Sect and their strength will grow even stronger.

"Waiting for a long time? Husband, are you familiar with him?"

Jun Mohuang raised his eyes slightly, and glanced at the Sect Master of the Starless God Sect.

It was just a faint glance, but for no reason, the Sect Master of the Godless Sect felt a chill in the spine, and there was a vague pressure from the depths of the blood.

When I was going to experience it in detail, the coercion suddenly disappeared again, as if it had never existed, as if it was his illusion.

According to Wuling's words, there is nothing wrong with this woman's energy fluctuations in her whole body. It is already a great thing to have the fifth stage of the Primordial Divine Realm. It was his illusion just now.

"Don't know, not familiar."

Di Lingtian held Jun Mohuang's small hand, his voice was soft, but everyone present heard it clearly.

"The emperor would really be joking. You must have accepted the elder Yue's 10,000 middle-grade yuan stones and 100 god-level medicinal materials. If the emperor is not satisfied, even if you ask again, we don’t have the Star God Sect. Do our best to meet all the requirements of the emperor."

Today's update is complete...

Thank you for looking up at the sky and smiling presumptuously. , Cheng Jiao, who took Yi, and other babies' rewards.

The computer is bad again, and I am desperately eager for a new computer.

(End of this chapter)

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