Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2928: The emperor is here

Chapter 2928 The Emperor is here

Of the ten people who received the Black Dragon Order from the Starless God Sect this time, apart from the Sect Master himself, there were three of the sixth stage of the Yuanshen realm, five of the fifth stage of the Yuanshen realm, and one was missing.

With this lineup, it's ridiculous to dare to say that you can win the first place without shame.

The powerhouses carrying the Black Dragon Order all have a special aura.

Naturally, there were more than nine people from the Star-Free God Sect.

But Sect Master Ye could still easily judge that the Starless God Sect had entered the lineup of God's Domain this time based on the breath of the Black Dragon Order.

"Well, every sect master does not know that our Star-Free God Sect is about to usher in a seventh-tier mid-level master of the Yuanshen realm, and the vacant spot is reserved for this powerful person."

"Among the seven sect masters, the five sect masters are indeed stronger than our Star-Free God Sect. There are indeed two, three, four or five more Yuanshen Realm sixth-tier powerhouses. But the five sect masters can guarantee you more These six-level Yuanshen realm powerhouses that came out, will be the opponents of my star-free Shenzong Yuanshen realm middle-stage powerhouse seventh-order?"

Facing the ridicule of the sect master of the godless sect, the sect master of the godless sect looked calm and calm.

"What, the seventh-tier mid-level master of the Primordial God Realm?! This is impossible, so Sect Master Xing should not be joking."

It was heard that the Starless God Sect possessed a seventh-tier mid-level master of the Primordial God Realm, and the seven suzerain faces flashed with surprise, and soon they were replaced by sneer expressions.

What are you kidding about? They counted as Sect Master Star, among the eight great gods, the three most powerful Sect Masters, Wuye, Fengfeng, and Wuxue, were in the middle stage of the seventh stage of the Primordial God Realm.

The remaining five sect masters are all in the initial stage of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen realm, and they are also the only strong people of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen realm.

If the Star-Free God Sect really had a seventh-order Yuanshen Realm powerhouse, that would be quite terrifying.


"Stop talking, a peerless powerhouse in the middle stage of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen Realm is enough to start a sect and establish his own Shenzong, how can he come to your Starless God Sect and be willing to subdue to your Star Sect Master."

Sect Master Wufeng did not show mercy, and immediately retorted.

"Haha, Sect Master Feng is right. The seventh-tier mid-level powerhouse of the Yuanshen Realm can indeed start a sect and establish a sect of their own. But Sect Master Feng seems to have forgotten. It proves that it has been recognized by the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix and Black Dragon clan before it is qualified to start a sect."

"And the emperor I recruited by the Godless Sect this time has never entered God's Domain for experience."

The Sect Master of the Starless God Sect didn't show any irritation, but smiled.

He was sure that Di Lingtian would definitely take refuge in the Starless God Sect, which was also a very important reason.

"What, before entering the God Realm, I have already been promoted to the middle stage of the seventh stage of the Yuan God Realm!"

As soon as the Sect Master of the Starless God Sect said this, the other seven Sect Masters couldn't help taking a breath.

Thinking that the seven sect masters entered the God Realm back then, they were only at the sixth level of the Yuan God Realm.

After a thousand years of experience in the realm of God, they went through a lot of **** fights, and succeeded to the last laugh. They used the resources of God's realm cultivation to advance to the seventh stage of the original **** realm.

After leaving God's Domain, he took the training resources obtained from God's Domain to start a sect and establish his own Shenzong.

After a thousand years of **** fighting, he was only promoted to the first rank, which shows the difficulty of the seventh rank of the Yuanshen realm.

In this world, there is such a talented person who can accomplish such a feat outside the realm of God, it is really amazing.

"Yes, everyone. The emperor is here."

(End of this chapter)

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