Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2911: Kill the man and woman

Chapter 2911 Kill the man and woman

They hesitated very much for a while, whether or not to continue.

"Naturally. Have you forgotten that the domain owner was demoted because of what? This time the clan's incident, I am afraid it has a lot to do with that woman."

"Huanyu Dutong means that that woman is fake..."

As soon as Huan Yu said this, some of the four couldn't help but exclaim.

"Don't say this, just understand it in your heart."

Huan Yu glanced at the person, but fortunately, they used secret language to transmit sound.

"Yes, Huanyu all said yes."

This person bowed his head and confessed that the Lord of the Snow Region had openly questioned the land where the goddess was demoted to Canaan. That was because the goddess was in the past.

If people of their status are not rotted in their hearts, what awaits them is not exile, but decapitation.

What's more, as soon as the goddess Jun returned, something big happened in the clan.

If she is really a fake, then the real goddess is still outside the realm of God.

This is the real reason why they must continue to do this.

The four quickly looked at each other, and they all saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

"So, this time we will not only continue, but also do it well. I think you all know what the opening of God's Domain this time means for us, the Snow Region Master, and the entire Nine Feather Flame Phoenix Clan."

"You go to do this right away, the people of the Yan Territory Lord will not stop us in order to prevent us from knowing what is going on in the clan."

"In order to whitewash the peace, the black dragon clan will definitely issue the black dragon order when they see our method Huang Yu order."

"Yes, all phantom feathers are unified, and we will immediately issue phoenix feather orders to the major gods."

After the four discussed, they immediately dispersed.

Xueyu has always been in charge of this matter, so Huang Yu's order was placed in their space ring, and it couldn't be easier to issue Huang Yu's order to the major divine sects.

All of a sudden, several phoenix feather orders turned into golden streamers and flew out of the gods to fly to the divine sect to which the nine feathers flame phoenix territory belongs.

Huan Yu watched the dense golden streamer fly out successfully, and was a little relieved to be blocked.

I hope that the master of the Snow Territory has not made a wrong judgment, and that the true goddess will enter the God Territory from their Nine Feather Flame Phoenix.

No Star God Sect.

According to the spiritless journey of the barren city, she almost lost her life, and was also humiliated by Jun Mohuang. She relied on how she, who was born noble, could swallow this breath.

She was injured physically, crushing more than a dozen teleport jade charms and returning to the Starless God Sect in embarrassment, it was already the next morning.

As soon as Zhao Wuling appeared at the mountain gate of the Godless Sect, the severely injured and embarrassed state shocked everyone, and soon shocked Zhao Wuling's father, the sovereign of the Godless Sect.

After hearing about his daughter's experience, the Starless Divine Sect was violent.

"Good Linger, don't worry, my father will send someone to the deserted city and kill the man and woman."

"No, father, I want the emperor. You are not allowed to hurt the emperor's hair and then catch that woman back alive. The daughter must teach her personally, and let her know what it will be to provoke the Godless Sect!"

Zhao Wuling gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with spite.

"Well, it's all in Ling'er."

The Sect Master of the Starless Sect has always loved his daughter, even though he thinks that a man who appears in a deserted city is not worthy of his daughter, but his daughter is happy, and it doesn't hurt to be a male pet.

"No, father, Miss Jun and Emperor Gongzi are all six-tier masters of the Primordial God Realm. We can only draw in without the Star God Sect, and we cannot offend."

Today's update is complete...

Thank you for the reward from Cheng Jiao, who took Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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