Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2910: Weird peace

Chapter 2910 Strange Peace

The volcanic crater that exists relying on the Zhiyang cyclone immediately changed, the surging red magma solidified and turned black and became cold, and all the hot air in the air was pumped away.

In the darkness, Elder Zong's complexion became extremely pale.

"Why... how could this happen!"

"Damn it, there is a problem with the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix Clan's Most Yin Cyclone, and it has not returned to its original location, what the **** is Emperor Wuming doing!"

Elder Ancestor reacted first, then turned into a gust of wind and left the crater.

Elder Zong and Elder Ming both showed horror expressions. Zhiyin Cyclone never changed its position. Under sudden changes, the Heilong Clan's Zhiyang Cyclone would change accordingly.

If the Zhiyang Cyclone does not fall into the hands of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix this time, the Black Dragon clan will be bad.

Elder Zong and Elder Ming are like wind, closely following the ancestor elder.

Taking advantage of the solstice cyclone to disappear, maybe we can still follow the solstice of the solstice to find the whereabouts of the solstice cyclone.

Maybe they are lucky, and by the way, the Yin Cyclone is about to be found. Elder Ancestor also has this kind of good luck thoughts.

But under the intervention of Emperor Ling Tian Talisman, the dreams of the three elders are destined to be unfulfilled in this lifetime.

Not long after they chased them out, the three of them repeatedly confirmed that they couldn't sense the breath of the sun at all.

The Sun Cyclone, which is vital to the Black Dragon clan, is missing. The Black Dragon clan is calm on the surface, but it is indeed chaotic.

The Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan is not much better.

The Lord of the Flame Region quickly discovered that the goddess and the Zhiyin Cyclone she had just retrieved were missing, and the Phoenix Crystal Mine in the depths of the Phoenix Feather Palace also lost energy.

This matter is of great importance, and the flame domain master dare not leak it out, so he has to do it in private. This matter is only known to the high level of the clan.

Under the leadership of the Lord of the Flame Region, they secretly carried out the task of finding Zhiyin Cyclone and the girl in white.

The Nine Feathers Yanhuang Clan is as good as the Black Dragon clan, maintaining surface calm.

Both sides understand that there will be problems with one's cyclone and the other's cyclone will inevitably go wrong, but the two clans did not take advantage of the chaos within the other party to declare war this time.

Neither tribe can afford to completely lose their respective cyclones.

God's Domain maintains a strange peace.

In an unremarkable valley in the territory of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix, five people meditated and practiced under the waterfall in the valley.

These five people are the most powerful Snow Territory Master ever, don't forget.

The Snow Territory Lord was exiled, and all her former subordinates were naturally demoted and squeezed out of the high-level circle of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan.

For the two races, the surface is calm, but the undercurrent is surging, and the five people smell the unusual.

The five people are practising on the surface through the energy fluctuations caused by the waterfall, but in fact they are talking in secret.

"The atmosphere is not right. A major event must have occurred in the Black Dragon clan and within the clan, but we have already been dismissed, so we don't know about this matter."

Huan Yu was the leader of the five. After each of them told something about what they had found, Huan Yu groaned for two seconds and decided what he didn't know.

For Huan Yu's proposal, the other four people agreed.

In this troubled autumn, the masters of the Snow Territory were demoted again, and naturally they could no longer get involved in the center of rights within the clan.

"Illusory Feathers are unified, since a major event has happened, this time I will not let those residents outside of the Gods' Domain enter the God's Domain for experience."

People who enter the outside world enter God's Domain because it is done without much credit, and the Snow Domain Master has always been responsible.

Now their Snow Territory Lord has been demoted to the land of Canaan, but the Flame Territory Lord has not personally stated that he will be responsible for this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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