Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2900: To overcast cyclone

Chapter 2900 to Yin cyclone

The Phoenix Feather Palace is the core secret of the Nine Feathers Yanhuang Clan, just like the Dragon Palace of the Black Dragon clan, it is their home.

Even if all the territory of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan is occupied by the black dragon, as long as the Phoenix Feather Palace is not destroyed, they will always have a chance to turn over.

Emperor Wuming is a member of the Black Dragon clan, so everyone will naturally worry.

"What are you afraid of, the goddess is so smart and wise, when did she let herself suffer? She chose to bring that man into the Phoenix Feather Palace, and she naturally has countermeasures."

"Are you questioning the goddess, wanting to end up like that woman?!"

The Lord of Yan Territory raised his brow slightly, and his tone suddenly became extremely cold when he said it.

"No, the subordinates naturally dare not."

The woman in the mouth of the Lord of the Flame Region was naturally the Lord of the Snow Region who had just been exiled to Canaan.

Thinking of questioning the fate of the goddess, everyone immediately shook their heads.

Yes, the goddess Jun is so wise and wise, it is absolutely impossible to suffer.

She made peace with the black dragon clan, but it was a stopgap measure. The goddess Jun returned, her strength was weak, and she really needed time to retreat.

A truce with the Black Dragon clan, no matter how you think about it, is extremely beneficial to the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan.

After all the senior members of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix had turned their minds a few times, the resistance in their hearts to the armistice remarks immediately disappeared.

On the side of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix, the master of the flame domain is the master, and the ancestor elder is the master of the black dragon clan.

It seems that God's Domain, which has been in war for tens of thousands of years, finally ushered in peace.

Huang Yu Palace.

Emperor Wuming landed in front of Huang Yu Palace with the girl in white clothes.

The sacred and towering palace in front of me exudes this powerful pressure.

"Husband, where are we going next."

The girl in white couldn't help but feel scared.

She knew that she was a fake, and if she really wanted to enter Huang Yu Palace, she would be swept out by this pressure.

"What are you afraid of? You are now the goddess of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan. With your mind, you can open the channel to the deepest part of the Huang Yu Palace."

Contempt appeared in the eyes of Emperor Wuming. This woman, even so scared, was still very eager to think about the position of the goddess of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, who gave her the courage.

"But husband, what if I... what if I am driven out of Huang Yu Palace?"

The longer the white-clothed girl stood in front of Huang Yu Palace, the more frightened her heart became.

Her instinct told her that there was an unusually powerful energy deep in the Huangyu Palace, and she did not dare to approach it actively.

"How come. There is a phoenix crystal vein in the depths of the Phoenix Feather Palace, which is a higher-level energy source than the original crystal, which can raise your strength to the original spirit realm within a month."

"Do you really intend to impersonate the goddess of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan for a long time with your current strength?"

Impatient color flashed across Emperor Wuming's handsome face.

"When... Of course not."

She all used her excuses to retreat and practice. Next time she appeared in front of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, she certainly couldn't still have her current strength.

At that time, the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan would definitely have all kinds of suspicions.

The white-clothed girl's silver teeth bit her heart, and she quickly flashed the thought of going to the depths of Huang Yu Palace.

A golden light emanated from the Huangyu Palace, covering the white-clothed girl and the emperor Wuming.

There was a flower in front of the white-clothed girl, and the next moment she had already reached the depths of the Huang Yu Palace.

The white-clothed girl and Emperor Wuming seem to have come to a huge underground palace.

(End of this chapter)

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