Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2899: Confidential disclosure

Chapter 2899 Secret Leakage

All the members of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan looked at the girl in white with earnest eyes, hoping that she could object.

They have dealt with the black dragon family for many years, and they are very clear about the character of these black dragons.

The Heilong clan holds their goddess in their hands. They clearly act as trump card hostages, threatening the Nine Feathered Flame Phoenix clan to cease war and cede territories, and even bow to the court.

The Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, for the goddess who finally returned for them, since they were so reluctant in their hearts, they would also agree.

But these black dragons were uncharacteristically, and did not do so, which instead made the Nine Feather Flame Phoenixes vigilant.

On the surface, they are proposing peaceful and common development, but in fact they must be making bigger ideas.

"Following the words of the ancestor elders, only if the two clans stop fighting, can I let you truly replace Jun Mohuang and become the goddess of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, so that you will never have to worry about it again."

Emperor Wuming continued to command the girl in white by means of whispers.

The condition proposed by the emperor Wuming was in the heart of the girl in white.

Besides, her life and soul are still in the hands of this man, and she can't help but listen to him.

At this time, all the people who prevented the peace between the two races, in her eyes, were the enemies who prevented her from truly replacing Jun Mohuang and sitting on the seat of the goddess.

"Shut up, I also allow you to interrupt about my Lord. This time I can safely return to the True God Continent. It is my husband. Without him, I would have died in the hands of the enemy."

When thinking of the position of the goddess, the girl in white clothes straightened her back, and she suddenly felt a strong momentum.

"For the future of the two clans, for the future of God's Domain, and even more to thank the husband for his unyielding friendship in the difficult situation, he accepted the proposal of the ancestor elders that the two clans should live in peace and develop together."

"Master of the Flame Region, you are responsible for taking over the Master of the Snow Region's Northern Wilderness Snow Region. This lord needs to return to the Phoenix Yu Palace to retreat immediately. During this time, you will be in charge of all the affairs of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix Clan."

"In short, Ben Jun does not want Ben Jun's children to be born in a war-torn environment. He will dominate the two clans in the future."

The white-clothed girl calmly gave instructions according to Emperor Wuming's prompt.

That's good, she doesn't know anything about the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, so it's okay for her to stand here and pretend for a while. If she continues without knowing anything, she will soon reveal herself.

It's better to use the name of retreat to let the people of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix family handle these trivial matters.

"Thank you for your trust in the goddess, the goddess can rest assured, the subordinates will complete the tasks and don't let the goddess down!"

The flame domain master was very resistant to making peace with the black dragon clan, but when he heard that he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, all his worries went beyond the clouds.

The Northern Wilderness Snow Region and the Southern Profound Flame Region are the two largest regions of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan. She became the domain master of the two regions and was entrusted by the goddess.

With great power in hand, one person can reach tens of thousands of people, no matter where the Lord of the Flame Region will think about hidden dangers and conspiracies.

Even if there is, she can solve it with her ability.

Besides, the goddess has always been wise and smart, and the goddess will definitely not let their Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan suffer.

"Very well, husband, accompany me to Huang Yu Palace."

The white-clothed girl succeeded in fooling the Yanyu domain master with joy in her heart, and placed her hand in the hands of Emperor Wuming according to the emperor Wuming's promotion.

The two turned into a white light and headed towards Huang Yu Palace.

"Send the goddess respectfully."

The flame domain master took the rest of the people and bowed down sincerely.

"Domain Lord, the goddess took that man to Huang Yu Palace. I'm afraid this is not appropriate..."

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Cheng Jiao for holding Yi away, looking up at the sky and smiling presumptuously. Wait for the baby's reward.

I am about to write a more important plot, Calvin, so I can't make up the three chapters of yesterday.

Let me sort out the plot, huh?

(End of this chapter)

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