Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2895: Completely replace

Chapter 2895 is completely replaced

But for some reason, her instinct told her that this woman is definitely not a goddess.

"Domain owner, no!"

The subordinates around the master of the snow are in a hurry.

The breath is exactly the same, this woman must be a goddess in all likelihood.

If the blood test proves that the Snow Territory Lord's judgment is wrong, then she will fall into a dead end.

Among the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, anyone who dared to question the goddess king would definitely not end well.

"You are so bold, the goddess is the body of ten thousand gold, you want to hurt the goddess!"

The Yan Domain Master and those who had already identified the white-clothed girl frowned, and immediately fry the pot.

Snow Territory Lord said indifferently: "If it is or not, the blood test will tell you the difference. Since you believe her to be true this way, what are you afraid of? I should be the one to be afraid of."

She is very clear about the consequences if she proves that her judgment fails.

But for the entire Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, she must take this risk.

She would never allow anyone to pretend to be a goddess.

"Well, since you insist on seeking your own death, the domain master won't stop you."

The Lord of the Flame Region almost wanted to laugh wildly. The woman of the Lord of the Snow Region was digging her own grave, and she was dying.

"The goddess, please give blood."

The host of the Yan domain turned around, knelt down to the girl in white, and bowed piously.

On the opposite side, on the flying boat of the Black Dragon clan.

The white-clothed girl stood in front of the flying boat, her face calm, her legs were actually soft and her back was completely wet with cold sweat.

She didn't expect that Emperor Wuming would let her pretend to be the goddess of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan.

She naturally did not expect that the true identity of Jun Mohuang was the goddess of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan.

When the girl in white received this task, she was jealous and afraid.

Fortunately, she and Jun Mohuang had a lot of intersections in their previous lives, and they were born at the same time as candidates for the goddess of the gods.

It was easy for her to reproduce the breath of Jun Mohuang.

But she can reproduce the breath, but she absolutely can't with the essence and blood.

As long as she donates her blood, she will definitely be seen through.

At that time, not only the members of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan will be furious, but the Black Dragon clan will not let her go.

The Black Dragon clan also treated her as the real Emperor Mohuang.

In short, she will die without a burial place.

The girl in white faced the flame domain master asking for blood, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

"What do you want to do, sacrifice your blood."

The nameless voice of the emperor, the way of transmitting the sound in secret words, sounded in the consciousness of the white-clothed girl.

"But, my husband, I..."

"Stop talking nonsense, I have my own way to deal with it, wait any longer, if you are really seen through, you will definitely be blasted into meat sauce by the masters of the two races."

Emperor Wuming's tone was already full of impatience.

"it is good."

The white girl gritted her teeth, and a drop of blood flew out from her fingertips.

The essence and blood were good at facing the wind, and directly turned into a golden phoenix phantom.

The phantom of the phoenix is ​​a hundred feet long, soaring in the nine days, the golden light of the phoenix turns into a substantial golden thread hanging down.

A reverence from the depths of the blood stretched out from the heart of each nine-feathered Yan Phoenix.

"Welcome the return of the goddess!"

On the golden flying boat, each nine-feathered flame phoenix knelt on its knees and crawled uncontrollably.

Including snow masters.

The awe from the depths of the bloodline is completely out of the control of the body. This is their instinct.

The golden phoenix needs to hover in the air for a while, then transform into a drop of blood and return to the white-clothed girl.

The girl in white was completely relieved and tried her best to suppress the ecstasy that emerged in her heart.

She didn't know what exactly Emperor Wuming used to help her get through the confusion, all she knew was that she completely replaced Jun Mohuang's position!

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Cheng Jiao for holding Yi away, looking up at the sky and smiling presumptuously. Wait for the baby's reward.

These are the four chapters of the evening, and there are three more chapters to make up during the day, right?

(End of this chapter)

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