Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2894: True and false goddess

Chapter 2894: True and False Goddess

The Snow Territory master glanced at the girl in white who was standing on the black flying boat opposite, narrowed her eyes, and shook her head.

"The goddess was in a disaster, and finally returned to the realm of the gods. Naturally, the strength is not high. It only takes a period of cultivation, and the goddess will naturally recover."

"Lord of the Snow Territory, the aura of the goddess is unique, and you can't tell it. It seems that you are not worthy of being a subordinate of the goddess."

"Although the snowy area is a remote country, you don't want to do this, and there are others who want to do it."

The Lord of the Flame Territory sneered, the woman of the Lord of the Snow Territory, she had never looked down upon her, and had long wanted to pull her from the position of the Domain Lord.

The master of the snow is cautious, she has never been able to spot this person's mistake.

It's a pity that this woman fainted this time, so she didn't even recognize the goddess, and she kept voicing opposition. This was a crime of treason.

The Snow Territory Lord insisted: "The same aura on the surface does not completely mean that she is the goddess. This matter is of great importance, so how can we make such a hasty conclusion."

"Interestingly, the lord of this domain has been following the goddess since the day he came out of the shell. He has never heard that a person's aura can be faked exactly the same."

"Lord Snow Territory, don't say that I am deliberately targeting you and deliberately disagree with you. You can ask everyone's opinions on this matter."

The Lord Yanyu swept his gaze toward the people around him, his eyes flashed with rich color.

When the two had a dispute before, no other domain owner had ever stood by her side to support her like this, this time it was the snow domain master himself.

"Yes, Snow Territory Lord, we have all followed the goddess, and we all remember the breath of the goddess, there can be no mistake."

"Lord Snow Territory, we know that you are cautious, but with the breath of the goddess, no one can fake it, Lord Snow Territory, you are too cautious."

"Lord Snow Territory, you are blatantly disrespectful to the goddess, you are so bold! What do you want to do, reject the return of the goddess, and let yourself be the **** of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan!"

Among the major domain masters, the attitude is neutral.

The stance of the domain masters and the high-level people who were originally on the side of the flame domain master was not right, so the words spoken at this time were naturally very unpleasant.

"Shut up! Our domain master is so cautious for the sake of the entire Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, you even slander her like this!"

The subordinates of the Lord of the Snow Region were immediately furious.

Slandering is unfaithful to the goddess, this is the biggest insult to the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan.

"Yes, Snow Territory Master has always acted cautiously, so slandering her is really too much."

Many neutral people speak for the Snow Territory Lord.

Although they were dissatisfied with the Snow Territory Lord’s refusal to accept the true identity of the Goddess Lord, in their impression, the Snow Territory Lord was definitely not an unreasonable person.

Maybe there is something hidden in this.

"Snow Master, what do you want."

The flame domain master became impatient.

She thought that just relying on the Snow Territory Lord's refusal to recognize the identity of the Goddess King was enough to make everyone hate her, but she did not expect someone to speak for her.

It can be seen that the master of the snow has a deep heart, and is usually good at buying people's hearts.

"It's very simple, let her take out a drop of essence and blood, whether she is the goddess monarch or the descendants of the goddess monarch, just try it."

The Snow Territory master looked at the girl in white, with inquiry in her cold eyes.

Indeed, the breath of this woman is exactly the same as that of the goddess, there is nothing wrong with it.

(End of this chapter)

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