Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2882: This matter, listen to Huang'er

Chapter 2882, listen to Huang'er

Jun Mohuang looked in the direction where Zhao Wuling was beaten away. She heard several sounds of fractured chest bones. According to Emperor Lingtian's style, the woman should turn into a cloud of blood in the first place.

"No, that woman has life-protection things on her body, which can catch a fatal blow below the eighth-level powerhouse in the Yuanshen realm."

Di Lingtian pressed the corners of his lips slightly, obviously very dissatisfied with the result.

This woman dared to give birth to the desire to beat his Huang'er, this kind of person can only die.

"Forget it, that's it. It seems that the two of us are born at odds with the horoscopes of the Starless Shenzong. We should go to the periphery of God's Domain first, and then we can take a Shenzong in. Anyway, there are so many Shenzong, not bad for this one."

Jun Mohuang waved his hand indifferently.

With the strength of her and Di Lingtian, then they will naturally become the target of the gods who enter the Divine Realm to win over.

"This matter depends on Huang'er."

Di Ling Tianchong smiled and rubbed her long hair.

The two took Xiao Haitang out of the mirror world. Jun Mohuang just closed the mirror world, and Xiao Haitang didn't know what happened just now.

Otherwise, seeing a poor-looking woman running out to grab Emperor Lingtian, she would have to cry.

Xiao Haitang is very well-behaved and did not ask what happened to the two of them just now.

Di Lingtian held Xiao Haitang and led Jun Mohuang towards the destination of this trip.

Crescent City.

Old Lian led the last team of **** elites and returned to Crescent City in embarrassment.

"Old Lian, what should I do now."

Unexpectedly, the bone of the locust mercenary group was so hard. This time, in order to win the locust use group, Lian Lao dispatched all the law enforcement elites.

It turned out that they returned in a disastrous defeat and were all severely injured by a locust mercenary group that did not know where they emerged.

"Don't be afraid, the Young City Lord will definitely be the master for us after we leave. Everyone, the Young City Lord's strength and identity are there. No matter how powerful the locust mercenary group members are, they have to bow to the Starless Divine Sect."

A strong unwillingness flashed across the old face of Lian. Obviously, he had not expected that the law enforcement elites in Meniscus would end with this result.

"Old Lian, but, but Young City Lord said before that if we defy his order to go to the Barren City, he will definitely break ties with us and drive us away."

They succeeded in getting half of the magic crystals, and it was a good idea to let the retreat Zhao Wuxing absorb these energy without knowing it.

Even if he was driven away, at least he had contributed to his own young master.

If Zhao Wuxing drove them away now, they would have been busy all this time.

"Don't worry, Young City Lord just talks about scaring you. You were adopted by Young City Lord when you were young. Young City Lord watched you grow up and personally cultivated you from the first level of the Primordial God Realm to your current strength. How could he abandon him? you guys."

From beginning to end, Mr. Lian never worried about this problem.

Zhao Wuxing's heart has always been famous for his soft-heartedness. If he hadn't been soft-hearted at first, he wouldn't be reduced to being driven out of the Godless Sect.

The law enforcement elites in Crescent City devoted most of his efforts, and Zhao Wuxing would definitely not treat them just because of a locust mercenary group.

He would blame them at most, and then personally go to the barren city to find hundreds of locusts and use them to vent their anger.

Old Lian thinks he hates Zhao Wuxing's character, and is very confident in his inference.

Lian Laozheng was complacent, and the voice of Wuxing suddenly sounded behind everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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