Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2881: Di Lingtian's true strength

Chapter 2881 The true strength of Emperor Lingtian

Jun Mohuang had intended to stay out of the matter, but finally couldn't help but chuckle.

Zhao Wuling summoned the courage to throw out all his chips, Jun Mohuang's ridicule made her irritated.

Zhao Wuling was about to speak, Jun Mohuang chuckled again.

"Come on, husband, let this woman see your true strength."

"Yes, ma'am."

The corners of Di Lingtian's lips twitched lightly, which was quite pleasant.

His young wife was a husband, but called him by name as usual.

She didn't want this woman to know his name.

He likes her like this.

Di Lingtian flicked his sleeves, and a powerful vitality attack hit Zhao Wuling's heart.

Zhao Wuling snorted, spitting out a big mouthful of blood, dyed red clothes.

The whole figure is like a kite with a broken wire, flying out of the deserted city wall and turning into a small black spot.

There was silence around.

All the residents of the Barren City looked at Di Lingtian, their eyes were about to fall out.

The energy fluctuation that Emperor Lingtian had just emitted was the energy fluctuation that only the mid-level powerhouses of the seventh-order Yuanshen realm had.

In the middle stage of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen Realm, what concept is this?

The Sect Master of the Starless Divine Sect, who was regarded as a holy ground for cultivation, was only in the early stage of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen Realm.

Di Lingtian is even higher than the Sect Master's strength, and it's no wonder that Jun Mohuang would laugh at Zhao Wuling's overpowering ability just now.

My God, in their barren city, a great man came, and a peerless strong man came!

This kind of peerless powerhouse, it is very likely that they will not see a piece of clothing from birth to death.

Di Lingtian helped their barren city survive the crises of the beast tide.

Emperor Lingtian is the seventh-tier mid-level strength of the Primordial God Realm, and the strength of Jun Mohuang will not be weak.

The residents of the barren city suppressed the excitement in their hearts and looked at them with admiration.

If it hadn't been for the death of too many companions by Zhao Wuling, they would have cheered immediately.

"Don't worry, that woman is cultivating the whip technique of the wood element system, and has not yet practiced to the point of perfection. They are only in a temporary state of suspended animation."

The wood element system has a big problem when attacking. If the practice fails, the wood element will return to its original healing properties and enter the victim's body together.

When these people were beaten by the cyan long whip due to their inanimate operations, a large amount of wood elements entered the body to save their lives.

"I have given you the pills they need to take just now. When they wake up, remember to take them immediately."

Jun Mohuang flipped her wrist and several golden needles appeared in her hand.

After a while, the golden needle pierced the hearts of the residents who were in suspended animation.

Their chests began to rise and fall slightly, their heartbeats immediately recovered, and their eyes slowly opened.

Seeing their friends, companions, and family members came back from the dead, everyone held back the joy in their hearts and, according to Jun Mohuang's instructions, gave them the pill immediately.

The Junmohuang Pill had miraculous effects. After taking it, his pale complexion quickly became ruddy, and his hideous wounds healed quickly.

"It's almost there now. Take them back and raise them for three days. For those of you who have been injured, it is best to stay at home for a day."

"Yes, Miss Jun, we promise to listen to you and not mess around."

"Thank you Miss Jun for her life-saving grace."

After the residents of the Barren City repeatedly expressed their gratitude to Jun Mohuang, they immediately went home according to her instructions.

The streets became empty again.

"Ling Tian, ​​are people dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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