Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2663: Affectionate 缱绻 is his best weapon

Chapter 2663 Affectionate Lingyan is his best weapon

As if everything does not exist for everyone, she is the only one in his eyes.

After that, he lowered his head again.

Affectionate and silky is his best weapon.

Jun Mohuang wanted to resist, but she was facing Di Lingtian, a man who loved her and was also a man she loved. No matter how strong his mind was, no matter how calm his mind was, he would fall apart.

Jun Mohuang quickly indulged in it, leaving the matter of going to see Zi Shuilan away.

Di Lingtian looked at her blurred eyes, her golden eyes were filled with water, and the **** moon-like eyes were even more tender and petting.

He knew that his little wife had no resistance at all to his offensive.

He was very satisfied with her now.

Di Lingtian is preparing to get his wish according to his will.

A feeling of nausea suddenly rose from Jun Mohuang's heart.

The nausea was so strong that she couldn't think about it. She turned to her side, covered her lips and kept retching. A small face turned red from the constant retching.


Seeing her uncomfortable discomfort, Di Lingtian took a deep breath, suppressed the obsession in her heart, and all the thoughts in her brain disappeared.

The big hand clasped her wrist and probed her body.

Di Lingtian frowned slightly, and her body absorbed a large amount of divine essence and became the body of the whole divine. Her body was healthy and there were no small problems.

"Suddenly feel very nauseous and feel like vomiting..."

As soon as Jun Mohuang's voice fell, he started covering his lips and retching.

She separated the power of induction and probed her body, and the result was exactly the same as the result of Di Lingtian's investigation.

Is it a pregnancy reaction? No, it can't be so fast.

Moreover, she and Di Lingtian's children were not bad in her body, how could there be a pregnancy reaction such as nausea.

Jun Mohuang soon didn't have time to think about what was going on, and the continuous retching took all her attention.

Di Lingtian put her in his arms, covered with a soft blanket, and put his big hands on her vest.

The power of the original source turned into a warm current, flowing into the limbs of Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang really felt better, but the nausea in his chest and abdomen was still there.

"Ling Tian, ​​let me go."

Jun Mohuang was struggling to leave, if she really vomited and soiled his clothes, it would be disgusting.

"If you don't let it go, just stay uncomfortable. Clean up if it gets dirty."

Di Lingtian didn't mean to let go.

"You don't hate it either."

Jun Mohuang felt warm in his heart and tried his best to resist the discomfort.

"Huang'er, you are my woman, pregnant with my child, why should I disgust me."

Di Lingtian lowered his head, his thin, perfectly-shaped lips lightly printed on her forehead.

"Ling Tian..."

Jun Mohuang was so touched by these words instantly.

However, feeling that within three seconds, she heard Di Lingtian say domineeringly.

"Huang'er, since I am touched, make up for me after getting better, and don't think about other men. Other women can't think about it."

"you really!"

Jun Mohuang rolled his eyes and was speechless.

She really served Di Lingtian, and everything could be involved in that kind of thing.

Despite her disapproval, she obediently leaned on Di Lingtian and no longer asked to leave.

After a quarter of an hour, under the care of Emperor Lingtian with the power of the source, Jun Mohuang finally no longer felt nauseous and his complexion returned to normal.

"Is there any discomfort?"

Di Lingtian noticed that her body was improving, and her calm **** eyes began to darken.


The nausea finally dissipated, Jun Mohuang breathed a sigh of relief. From her perspective, naturally, he couldn't see Di Lingtian's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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