Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2662: You rushed to find me just for this

Chapter 2662, you rushed to find me, just for this

The long distance for her in the Primordial Saint Realm before became very close.

She only needs to rush back before dawn, and will not delay leading the demon army to defeat the heavenly spirit world.

Jun Mohuang was about to leave, when he was suddenly embraced by a pair of powerful arms and fell into a generous embrace, surrounded by a familiar aura.

Someone hugged her from behind.

Needless to say, Jun Mohuang could guess with his eyes closed.

It is Emperor Lingtian.

Jun Mohuang turned around, his lips were blocked before he could speak.

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand to wrap him around, leaning against him.

Jun Mohuang's actions were undoubtedly encouraging Di Lingtian.

When Zhijun Mohuang's face turned red and breathing was difficult, Di Ling's talent was still intent to let go of her.

"Ling Tian, ​​why are you so fast."

A few minutes ago, the two were still talking on the sound transmission jade talisman, and Di Lingtian came to her a few minutes later.

In order to quickly conquer the Heavenly Spirit Realm, the two of them divided into two groups.

Jun Mohuang attacked from the junction of the Heavenly Dragon Realm and the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and Emperor Lingtian from the junction of the Nine Nether Realm and the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

The two directions are very different, even if Emperor Lingtian is now promoted to the Primordial God Realm and becomes a rune player, he is not so fast.

"Naturally because of the upgraded Phoenix Jade Space. I now have the authority to enter the Phoenix Jade Space from anywhere."

Di Lingtian pinned her slightly scattered hair behind her ears, her eyes were extremely fierce in her **** eyes.

After the two met again in Cangyuan Continent, Emperor Lingtian had the authority to enter the Phoenix Jade space at any time.

However, it was only when he was by her side that he could sense the Phoenix Space and enter.

Now, no matter where he is, Di Lingtian can sense the Phoenix Jade Space and enter it.

This means that no matter where he is, he can come to Jun Mohuang as soon as he wants to.

This was the privilege that Emperor Lingtian got when he was ennobling the miracle of the gods.

"Then you will go back later, don't you have to go back yourself."

It's so hard to run back and forth.

Jun Mohuang frowned, and Emperor Lingtian could use part of the Phoenix Jade Space's authority, but this was not his portable space.

Huang Yu Space can only bring him, not directly send him back.

"Yes, but enough time. When we go back, we just need to be faster. Tonight, we have enough time..."

Di Lingtian's **** eyes were hot and hot like lava, falling on Jun Mohuang's body, causing her blood to accelerate and her heart throbbed.

What Emperor Lingtian's eyes mean, Jun Mohuang couldn't be more clear.

It was this look every time he bullied her.

"You... you came to me in a hurry, just for this!"

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand and unceremoniously pinched Di Lingtian's arm.

She thought that Di Lingtian came because she missed her, and after a long period of trouble, she was completely thinking too much.

Di Lingtian came to her, just wanting to eat meat.

"Huang'er, you still remember that you said before that after you retrieve Huang Jing, you will compensate me well."

"Why, now I want to regret it."

Di Lingtian tightened his arms, tightly confining her in his arms, and resting his delicate and perfect jaw on Jun Mohuang's shoulders.

The scorching breath and the dull low voice poured into the ears together, like a soft feather, constantly scratching the softest part of my heart.

Surrounded by his domineering aura, Jun Mohuang's body trembled slightly.

Thinking of his strength in this regard, she couldn't help her heart throbbing, and strange feelings flowed into her limbs.

Send you some sweets.

These are two chapters from yesterday, now I will make up

(End of this chapter)

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