Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2646: Mercilessly

Chapter 2646 is merciless

The gods fight, the little ghost suffers.

The tyrannical energy fluctuations raged in the air, and the coercion of Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang was everywhere, pressing the spirit tribe army into chest tightness, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing.

Luo Chen in the realm of Yuanshen was crushed and beaten by the two, and there was no way to fight back.

How the spirit tribe army still stays here, that is the rhythm of death.

They wanted to escape a long time ago, but don't know why, they found that they couldn't go far and could only circle around.

The spirit tribe army hid in the farthest corner they could run, watching all this with fear, for fear that they would be affected.

However, the spirit tribe army was very confident in Jun Mohuang, thinking that Jun Mohuang would never attack them.

From the fact that she came to the Heavenly Spirit Realm before and tried her best to treat the pregnant woman of the Spirit Race, we can see that the priest is a kind hearted person and will never kill innocent people.

The moment Jun Mohuang attacked the Spirit Race army just now was purely an attack error, not her original wish.

When they saw Jun Mohuang attacking Luo Chen, and actively threw the attack on their faces, all the spirit races showed expressions of disbelief and horror.

The priest is always kind, she... how could she!

Without waiting for these spirit races to have the opportunity to speak out their doubts, Jun Mohuang attacked like a thunderous force, which came in an instant.

In an instant, the spirit tribe army lost several million people.

He watched the companion beside him standing alive in front of him for a second, but he was attacked and turned into nothingness the next second.

The spirit tribe army who survived by chance felt fear, grief and other emotions intertwined in their hearts.

Jun Mohuang didn't give them any time to hurt the spring and sad autumn. A new round of attacks came in an instant, and millions of spirit races disappeared.

When Jun Mohuang attacked the spirit tribe army, he just attacked Luo Chen by the way, otherwise the spirit tribe army would only die faster.

The spirit tribe army was quickly destroyed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Priest monarch, priest monarch! We are fighting against the demon army on the order of the monarch. All this is not our intention."

"Yes, monarch priest, everything is an order from the monarch, please calm down the anger of the monarch priest, we can't resist!"

The spirit races were completely panicked, while the spirit races avoided, they kept begging to Jun Mohuang.

She must have seen her subordinates and companions being treated like this by Luo Chen, and she was angry.

They told her the facts that she was so kind and always good to the Spirit Race, and she was half a Spirit Race person, and she would definitely calm down.

The facts disappointed these spirit races again.

No matter how they pleaded with her, Jun Mohuang turned a deaf ear to them, and wave after wave of attacks were unceremonious, smashing into the spirit tribe army.

Jun Mohuang's attack speed is extremely fast, almost reaching the point of one attack per second.

Under the attack of this frequency, the spirit tribe army had no time to beg for mercy from Jun Mohuang.

There are a large number of more than 20 million Spirit Race troops, and they can't stand the consumption of such speed.

There were only a few hundred people left at the moment of the mighty and mighty Spirit Race army.

Under Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian's joint attack, Luo Chen continued to spout blood.

The cultivation base of the Yuanshen realm always made him hang a sigh of relief, and he was not bombed to death in successive attacks.

Even so, Luo Chen's breathing was getting weaker and weaker.

His only remaining breath is slowly getting weaker.

As long as he teamed up with Di Lingtian and launched three attacks, Luo Chen could be killed on the spot.

Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian looked at each other, and a joint attack came immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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