Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2645: The only Protoss in history to be green

Chapter 2645 The only protoss in history that was green

Emperor Lingtian saw a lot of Gao Yuanjing from it, and Jun Mohuang immediately saw that in the Yuanjing, Mo Luo's soul stayed quietly, receiving the nourishment of Yuanjing.

"This... Ling Tian!"

Jun Mohuang stroked Yuan Jing with both hands, both hands trembling slightly.

Di Lingtian has been with her almost from entering the holy pond to coming out now.

When on earth did he do these things, she doesn't know, she is very touched by her dedication to him.

"Huang'er, I stay with that woman and review memorials for her, not for nothing."

Di Lingtian reached out and stroked her long hair, rubbing her in his arms.

Luo Chen's face was green, and his mood could no longer be described in words.

No wonder, no wonder!

He has been wondering why the demons like Chi Chi and Zi Zi could enter and break the secret realm of his hidden Mo Luo, it turned out that it was the secret of that **** woman!

That little woman who succeeded and failed, really dared to bring Di Lingtian into the spiritual palace and let Di Lingtian come into contact with the memorial of the heavenly spirit world.

Who Di Lingtian was, even if the memorials were not important, he could find clues.

What's more, it is not too simple to find the location and crack the method when others are still in the palace.

Di Lingtian could discover the secret realm where he hid Mo Luo, who knows what else he could find.

Maybe he had already turned over most of the secrets of the spiritual palace and the heavenly spirit world during that time.

The white-clothed girl kept Di Ling Tian by her side and let him enter the spiritual palace, just to pay attention to the two boats!

Mean woman! When he returns to the spiritual palace, he will definitely cut her a thousand times!

Jun Mohuang put the Yuan Jing storing Mo Luo into the space ring, and looked at Luo Chen sneered.

Now, she has no weaknesses and is fearless.

Behind Jun Mohuang, ten lightning spheres condensed and formed, and a purple arc that was thicker than an arm surged wildly in the lightning sphere.

Above, two rounds of blood moons were shining, and the air was full of **** light.

If it is substantive, the backs of the oppressed spirit race army bend, unable to move, and even have difficulty breathing.

"Di Lingtian, no, this monarch is the only protoss in this world, if you, an ordinary strong man in the Primordial Saint Realm, dare to punish the gods, you will definitely be retributed!"

Luo Chen no longer had a trump card that could protect himself, and only threatened Emperor Lingtian with the identity of the Protoss.

"Only you are worthy of calling yourself a protoss."

A cold light flashed across Jun Mohuang's golden eyes, and ten lightning spheres smashed towards Luo Chen while thinking.

Since she is already the female king of the Protoss, today, she will clear the door for the Protoss.

Two rounds of blood moons in the air fell along with ten thunder and lightning balls. Luo Chen could not escape before, let alone the injured Luo Chen.

Luo Chen was hit hard by ten lightning **** and two blood moons.

The ground vibrated violently, and Luo Chen's area was directly cut down 100 meters, and a large hole appeared on the ground.

Luo Chen was covered in blood, lying there dying.

The attacks of Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang hadn't ended yet, wave after wave of attacks came one after another, smashing Luo Chen each time.

It is also fortunate that Luo Chen has already been promoted to the Primordial Spirit Realm, and his vitality is long, otherwise he would go to see the King of Hades if he did this twice.

Although not dead, Luo Chen was still in a state of breathlessness.

It was the strength of the Primordial Saint Realm in his body that supported his breath.

Except for Luo Chen, Jun Mohuang was not idle with the spirit tribe army.

The dragon blood scepter waved, the ink-colored flame, the colorful halo, and the lightning ball started together.

The lightning ball fell on Luo Chen, and the rest of the attacks were all thrown into the Spirit Race army by her.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Banxia Weiliang, God of War, Bai Qi, Leng Guyan, 〃Ace, Li Shang, Nan Sheng Yi Meng and other babies for their rewards.

Four changes today, the New Year holiday is coming to an end, and normal updates will resume in a few days. Don’t worry, darlings.

(End of this chapter)

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