Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2621: Naive

Chapter 2621 is childish and naive

It was not enough to betray her once, and in front of her, a new girl was called up.

The girl in white jumped forward to Luo Chen, trying to separate Luo Chen from the spiritual girl.

She just took a step forward and was immediately held back.

This time, it was not just the first spiritual girl who held the girl in white.

After the light veil, the spiritual girls stepped forward and directly pulled the white-clothed girl behind the light veil and threw it to the ground.

They watched the whole process, and after discovering Luo Chen's attitude towards the girl in white, the corners of their lips all evoked a smile.

This woman has been completely abandoned by Luo Chen.

The spiritual girls surrounded the girls in white.

They have admired Luo Chen for many years, and they are always thinking about being able to get close to Luo Chen, even if they are not named.

This woman is good, so she firmly occupies Luo Chen, so that Luo Chen doesn't even look at them.

This group of spiritual girls have had resentment against the white-clothed girls for a long time. Because of her identity and Luo Chen's favor, they dare not show it.

Now, huh...

"You guys! You scumbags, let go! What are you going to do!"

The girls in white saw the malicious smiles on the lips and eyes of these girls, and a chill suddenly grew in their hearts.

The white-clothed girl looked at Luo Chen asking for help. She hadn't waited for her to speak, but Luo Chen's voice was indifferent to the extreme.

"Don't kill anyone, whoever of you performs better will be the next one."

"Yes, Lord, the courtiers take the lead!"

The girls of the Spirit Race got permission from Luo Chen, their eyes shone, and they were bolder.

Everyone wants to get the next spot favored by Luo Chen.

They surrounded the girls in white, like a pack of hungry wolves surrounding a piece of fresh meat.

Pull the hair, slap in the face, kick in the stomach.

"No! Don't! You... little bitch, stop!"

The girl in white could bite the bullet and curse at first, but it didn't take long before she became wailing.

After a while, she couldn't even make a cry of pain and howl.

Through the light gauze, Luo Chen saw the spiritual girls rushing to teach the white-clothed girls, the black eyes that were as deep as the night sky did not respond.

This woman thought she was still in her original position.

Luo Chen is now the only protoss in the world, and the girl in white is just a fertility tool.

He even dared to offend him. Without his order, he dared to break into his bedroom and make a big noise and interfere with his private life.

Just teach her a lesson and let her fully recognize her position.

After a while, the spiritual girls left contentedly, leaving only Luo Chen and the white-clothed girl in the bedroom.

The white-clothed girl was covered in blood everywhere, lying on the ground dying, constantly vomiting blood.

She saw Luo Chen walking slowly, with a condescending expression, and the hatred in her eyes was unconcealed.

"Luo Chen, you will regret it! One day, I will find the original crystal again, regain my identity as a descendant of the **** race, and cultivate to the original **** realm as a **** race..."

The girl in white has a hoarse voice and whispers threatening words.

"Regret? You haven't figured out where you are now. Hmph, even if you get the original crystal back to become a god, you still have to be subject to the master. Don't forget, the master has been promoted to become a god. After you become a god, Could it be possible to beat this lord?"

"Naive, naive. You should make your fertility tools, just like the group of spiritual women, stay in the spiritual palace honestly, don't think that you are the **** queen of the heavenly spirit world, the only woman of this monarch ."

Today's update is complete...

Thank you, Qingcheng Laughing at the Prosperous Smoke and Dust, God of War, and Bai Qi for your rewards.

This year’s final update ends with the abuse of the girl in white that you hate most.

New Year's Eve together with my parents and grandmother. , I’ll only have four chapters tonight, I hope my babies can understand that the author and his parents are not in the same city, and I spend less time with my grandmother. The time together during the year has become very precious. I’m here for the time being. .

Grandma is the warmest memory of childhood, and it is the same for many babies.

I wish you a happy new year, more and more beautiful, more and more handsome, yeah.

(End of this chapter)

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