Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2620: Widely seeded

Chapter 2620 is widely seeded

The white-clothed girl was familiar with the road, rushed to the soft side, and pulled down the spiritual woman who was on it, punching and kicking the beautiful little face.

The facial features of the girl in white are distorted and she has fallen into madness.

Luo Chen actually touched this bastard, what is the difference with slap her.

The violent anger made her forget her own situation and strength, and that Luo Chen was no longer what she used to be.

She didn't even see, behind her, she was standing in a group of beautiful spiritual girls in the gauze cover.

"Ah! The Queen of God is forgiving, the servants came in the name of the Lord, and did not take the initiative to seduce the Lord..."

This spiritual woman was in the great happiness of being loved by Luo Chen for a moment, and the next moment she was about to face the stormy slap and kick of the girl in white.

The contrast was too great, the white-clothed girl **** queen Yu Wei was still there, and the woman did not react.

Had to protect the body, curled up on the ground begging for mercy.

Luo Chen leisurely leaned on the soft collapse, the corners of his lips twitched, watching the good show, looking like he was out of the picture, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

It is estimated that the girl in white will only scold those words over and over again, and only slap and kick, Luo Chen soon feel bored.

He stretched out his slender fingers and hooked his fingers to the nearest spiritual girl behind Qingsha.

Seeing Luo Chen's suggestion, Lingxiu's eyes flashed with extreme excitement. She lowered her eyes, her face was shy, she moved Lianbu gently to Luo Chen's side, and knelt down docilely.

Luo Chen stretched out her fingers and raised her chin. What caught her eye was a gentle and beautiful face.

Luo Chen smiled satisfied and stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms.


The shyness on the face of the spiritual girl is more serious, but she can't conceal the expectation in her eyes.

The spiritual girls behind the veil all looked at her companion jealously, jealous of her good luck.

The girl in white is still going crazy, but this does not affect Luo Chen's continued doing his things.

The spiritual girl who was beaten down by the white-clothed girl might have been beaten too badly, and finally couldn't help but fight back a little.

She didn't expect to stretch her hand to lightly block, and throw the girl in white directly to the ground.

"Bitch! You dare to resist the queen! Look at the queen without scratching your face and killing you!"

The white-clothed girl struggled to get up from the ground, and lost a hand. She made such a simple movement especially embarrassing.

The white-clothed girl was about to continue to pounce on the spirit race girl, but the spirit race girl's eyes caught Luo Chen.

When she saw clearly what Luo Chen was doing, her eyes flashed with brilliance.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, with a sudden force, she pushed away the girl in white who was holding her palm.

The girl in white backed a few steps, and finally hit the wall and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"You... the queen will kill you!"

The white-clothed girl's eyes were bloodshot, almost mad.

This humble woman dared to push her.

The white-clothed girl struggled to get up and rushed to the Spirit Race girl.

The girl of the Spirit Race glanced at Luo Chen and found that Luo Chen didn't say anything, and didn't mean to stop.

Her petal-like corners of lips lightly hooked, and directly raised her hand to slap the girl in white.

The girl in white was hit and turned around in the air before she fell to the ground.

She finally saw what Luo Chen was doing.

The white-clothed girl's mind was blank, and she looked at Luo Chen blankly, and even forgot to vent her anger.

"Luo Chen!!"

The white-clothed girl was stunned for a second, and immediately let out a harsh scream.

Luo Chen, a hardworking planter, smiles evilly

(End of this chapter)

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