Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2612: Impact on the soul, a huge risk

Chapter 2612 hits the soul, a huge risk

"Absorb the gods well, concentrate on cultivation, don't run into small business."

Di Lingtian lightly patted Jun Mohuang's back twice, let go of her and returned to the original place.

The eyes closed slightly and began to retreat.

Jun Mohuang twitched the corners of her lips, who made such a moth to prevent her from focusing on cultivation.

Di Lingtian was ashamed to say.

Obviously waiting for her to use Shen Yuan to recover to a certain strength, he can get his wish.

Di Lingtian just made this connection, how boring is this man!

Jun Mohuang spit out Emperor Lingtian several times in his heart, closed his eyes again, and continuously absorbed the divine essence to restore his strength.

The massive energy in the divine essence is transformed into spiritual energy, which quickly nourishes the meridians, flesh and bones of Jun Mohuang.

The aura transformed from Shenyuan was pure and rich, and the quality was higher than any aura she had come into contact with.

Jun Mohuang quickly entered a deep-level cultivation state.

Di Lingtian slowly opened her eyes, watching her small face full of concentration, **** eyes full of gentle and petting colors.

Huang'er entered a deep-level cultivation state and would no longer find out what he was going to do.

That's good.

Di Lingtian began to quickly absorb the energy in the gods, and kept accumulating strength, in order to knock on the door of the gods at the critical moment.

Strands of blood-colored aura floated out of the sea of ​​qi, and quickly woven into a net around Di Lingtian.

Jun Mohuang is in a deep-level cultivation state, and there should be no distracting thoughts in his mind.

This time she didn't know what was going on, she always felt that she should open her eyes and take a look at Di Lingtian.

When this thought flashed for the third time, Jun Mohuang finally got rid of his deep cultivation state.

When she saw Di Lingtian, her golden pupils suddenly shrank slightly.

Scarlet Aura Defense Net...

He is preparing to use the energy in the gods to hit the barriers of the ninth-order great perfection of the Yuanshen realm and the initial stage of the first-order Yuanshen realm.

Protoss and runes, and even everyone in this world believe that to break through the barrier between Yuansheng and Yuanshen, you can only use the crystal of origin and the vitality of heaven and earth.

The energy in the gods is not inferior to the crystal of the source and the vitality of heaven and earth.

The problem is that Shen Yuan is too precious and the amount is pitifully small. No one has ever used Shen Yuan to successfully confer a god.

Without the attempts of predecessors, it is unknown whether it will succeed.

Failure in other realms will damage your strength at most.

Failing to hit the Primordial Spirit Realm would endanger life.

Use the blood-colored natal aura to form a net to reduce the damage of impact failure as much as possible.

Di Lingtian deliberately teased her just now, in order to make her angry, he just ignored him in angrily, did not pay attention to him, and was immersed in the state of cultivation, and he could not find out that he had hit the original spirit realm.

Di Lingtian didn't want her to worry about him.

"Ling Tian."

Jun Mohuang took advantage of the fact that the protective net of his life spirit hadn't formed yet, took the initiative to teleport over, stretched out his hand to embrace him, and took the initiative to kiss him.

Di Lingtian did not expect that she would suddenly wake up from a deep-level cultivation state, let alone that Jun Mohuang would take the initiative.

She must have guessed what he wanted to do.

Di Lingtian's heart was soft, and he stretched out his hand to confine her tightly, deepening his opposition to the guest.

After a long time, the genius of Emperor Ling let go.

"Ling Tian, ​​you will succeed, I am waiting for you."

"When you succeed, we will... give birth to a baby."

Jun Mohuang leaned on him, red clouds appeared in his beautiful little face, and water mist appeared in his golden eyes.

"Okay, Huang'er."

Di Lingtian's eyes were deep, and he reached out and stroked her small face.

He was not 100% sure about the impact of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you JK-N6, Meteor?, God of War, and Bai Qi for your rewards.

Today is five shifts. I hope that the babies will understand that there are some facts that cannot be pushed away during the special period of the Chinese New Year.

Tomorrow I will finally write about the plot of being pregnant with a little baby, I am a little excited when I think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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