Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2611: Serious nonsense

Chapter 2611 Serious Nonsense

Thinking of this, Jun Mohuang's heart suddenly softened.

A whole lake of gods, of course, cannot be used in this way.

The two of them began to meditate in the heart of the lake, soaking their bodies in the spiritual energy, and running the spiritual energy to absorb the spiritual energy.

The divine essence around him was absorbed and turned into clear water, and immediately some divine essence automatically floated to Jun Mohuang's side and wrapped her.

When Jun Mohuang noticed this change, the corners of his eyes were slightly lifted.

She immediately re-absorbed the gods around her body at the fastest speed, and immediately a distant gods floated to her side, squeezing the water away.

I tried several times in a row, all of which were true.

Jun Mohuang no longer absorbed the divine essence, suddenly turned his head to look at Emperor Lingtian.

After the gods are absorbed, they will automatically gather.

This man is so dark-hearted.

He must have deliberately prevented Shen Yuan from floating over and let her fall into the water deliberately.

Di Lingtian keenly noticed Jun Mohuang's gaze, his black eyelashes lifted slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Huang'er actually missed me that way. It only took a few minutes, so she couldn't wait to express her longing with me in a vivid expression."

Her white dress was soaked in water and clung to it.

The little angry look on her beautiful and flawless face makes her alive and smart, and Mingyan is moving.

Di Lingtian's eyes became deep again.

Jun Mohuang sensed something wrong in his eyes, and when he looked down, he only felt that a big volcano was about to erupt in his heart.

She finally knew why Di Lingtian wanted her to fall into the water.

Jun Mohuang uses aura to dry.

As a result, she discovered that the defensive enchantment used by Emperor Lingtian to protect her from falling into the water directly offset her aura.

Di Lingtian's true intentions of protecting her with a defensive barrier could not be more obvious.

He just didn't want her to dry it.

"Di Lingtian!"

The more Emperor Mohuang wanted to get angry, he directly dug up a group of divine essence from his side and threw it at Emperor Lingtian.

This man is too much, he even takes advantage of this kind of advantage.

"Hey, don't make trouble."

Di Lingtian's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared on both sides of Jun Mohuang.

His big hand gently held her wrist to prevent her from digging the gods to hit him.

"It is also for the sake of fairness."

"What is unfair?"

She wanted to see what reason Di Lingtian could explain.

"Huang'er, your eyes have the ability to see through, but I don't."

"If you are tired of cultivating, you can see me anytime, anywhere, whatever you want. I am tired of cultivating but cannot see you. This is unfair."

"Don't worry, I won't look at you when I'm tired of practicing, so I can quickly untie the defensive barrier." She can dry the clothes.

"Huang'er, that is your right. Whether you look at it or not is your own choice, and it doesn't affect your right to interfere with me. I must watch it."

"Huang'er, you also know that when you are tired of cultivation, taking a look at the beautiful scenery by the way will help greatly improve the efficiency of cultivation and shorten the time of cultivation."

"We have fallen into the abyss, and any contact with the outside world has failed. Father-in-law and uncle must be very worried. It is necessary to shorten the training time."

"If you stay here for an extra minute, they will worry for an extra minute. Huang Er doesn't want to go out earlier."

Di Lingtian's tone was serious, and the content was all fallacy and heresy.

Jun Mohuang: "..."

Jun Mohuang suddenly had nothing to say.

Di Lingtian's fallacy was so reasonable, she was speechless.

"Hey, stop making trouble."

Di Lingtian smiled softly at last, lowered his head and dropped a light wen on her forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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