Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2578: Coronation ceremony

Chapter 2578 Coronation Ceremony

In the golden halo, with an extremely mysterious and holy breath, it instantly spread to every corner of the holy pond.

The golden halo brought everything that happened in front of the palace to the eyes of every beast and behemoth.

Each of them can actually see what is happening in front of the palace.

The performance of the two is completely different.

The monsters crawled into a ball, shrank and shivered, as if they were extremely afraid of the breath of the golden halo.

The faces of the behemoths changed drastically.

They have lived together with the gods in the Celestial Continent for so long, and they know all the rituals of the gods.

Seeing the golden seven-petal lotus flower in Jun Mohuang's hand, he knew what had happened.

The golden seven-petal lotus is of great significance in the Protoss. This is clearly a ceremony to crown the new Protoss female king!

Somewhere in the habitat of the behemoth, a barren stone mountain suddenly began to shake.

The mountain shook, the rocks rolled down, and a huge basalt tortoise appeared.

The mountain just now was directly pressed on its tortoise shell.

This basalt tortoise is very old, with a grayish color in its eyes, and its back is cracked like a rock.

"No, it's the new female ruler of the Protoss, and the Protoss is about to recover again!"

Xuanwu Turtle's gray eyes were full of vigilance.

The Protoss finally fell, and the prehistoric beasts had a peaceful life, and they absolutely did not allow the Protoss to continue the massacre.

This time, their wild behemoths must first act to be strong, strangling this goddess goddess in the cradle!

The goddess who took office without the celestial continent is nothing!

The Xuanwu Turtle's eyes flashed sharply, one of its front paws stretched out, and it snapped to the ground.

A series of cracks, centered on the claws of the Xuanwu tortoise, quickly dispersed in all directions.

The Xuanwu tortoise opened its mouth and made the sound of dragon chants, resounding through the world.

Somewhere in the holy pool.

The Golden Swallowing Beast and other wild beasts are on their way. The purpose of their trip is to help Jun Mohuang to win the seventh golden lotus petal, so as to return her to save Xiaojin and help Xiaojin transform into a human form.

When an image appeared in front of each of their eyes, the Gold Swallowing Beast looked at the golden eyes of Jun Mohuang in the image and the golden phoenix feather mark on his forehead, and opened his mouth wide, unable to tell directly.

"This woman, this woman is actually a protoss!"

The elder Taishang stared at the picture that appeared before his eyes, and his eyes burned with strong hatred.

It couldn't wait to rush to Jun Mohuang and stretch out its claws to tear her apart.

At this moment, the Earth Spirit, calmly, squeezed Xiaojin's hand and prepared to escape.

It is definitely not a good thing that the elder Taishang suddenly changes his face and shows hostility to the bad woman.

Xiaojin quietly glanced at Earth Spirit and nodded gently.

Earth Spirit held her hand, and the earth elements all over her body skyrocketed, and he was about to flee to Jun Mohuang with the little golden earth.

At a critical moment, the Supreme Elder suddenly stretched out his paw and slapped the ground.

The ground immediately became one piece more than iron, and the earth elements condensed in the earth spirit's body were scattered without a trace by this blow.

Earth Spirit's earth escape technique failed and suddenly fell to his knees, vomiting blood in his mouth.

"Little soil!"

Xiaojin wanted to step forward and lift him up, but the back collar was suddenly pulled.

Xiao Jin couldn't lock his whole body aura, and couldn't even move his fingers.

"You...what are you doing! You bad guy, let me go!"

With those clear and smart eyes, Xiao Jin glared at the elder Tai who suddenly made a move, confining himself.

Old fashioned

(End of this chapter)

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