Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2577: Why is God so cruel to her

Chapter 2577 Why is God so cruel to her

Suddenly, a golden light pulled him away, causing him to be separated from the huge soul spar. This really killed him!

Next to Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong and Yin Lin stretched out their hands at the same time and patted his head vigorously.

Feng Yunqi almost fainted by being shot by the two of them. He was about to question loudly, what nerves the two of them had made to beat him.

"Quick...look now..."

Wu Qianyong's eyes were slightly lost, and he pulled Feng Yunqi towards the air.

"What's so beautiful... my god..."

Feng Yunqi, who was originally a little impatient, followed his guidance and looked into the air, his eyes lost and exclaimed.

His boss is too beautiful!

No, you can't watch it, don't watch it... Emperor Zun is a super jealous jar!

They must not stare at the boss like this.

Feng Yunqi immediately pulled the heads of Wu Qianyong and Yinlin down, and quickly informed the reason.

The two of them were shocked, yes, how could they forget such an important matter.

The two of them studied like Feng Yunqi, lowering their heads, and the posture was about to apologize.

Jun Mohuang's other companions also arrived, and their reactions were similar to those of Feng Yunqi.

The seven demons, Chi Chi and Zi Zi, even lowered their heads to the extreme, almost not bowing.

The spirit races who were also brought here by the golden vortex were depressed for a while, what are these people doing?

They were not on Jun Mohuang's side, so they looked at the current Jun Mohuang without any filters.

Even so, these spirit races were shocked to sluggish by this scene.

They looked at the white-clothed girl, and they completely forgot about the white-clothed girl.

There was a thought that had never happened before, and it seemed to exist for a long time in the bottom of my heart.

The monarch priest is the daughter of the Heavenly Phoenix in their heavenly spirit world, and their **** queen!

The twenty-eight new ministers of the spirit race, such as the Yuan chief, were in a trance. At this moment, they had exactly the same thoughts in the hearts of other spirit races.

When Mo Sie and Jun Liyuan saw where they came, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. They had successfully got the things in their hands. Now, everything is no longer a problem.

Of course, not everyone is happy.

The white-clothed girl and Luo Chen were in a terrible mood at the moment.

Luo Chen clenched his hands into fists, and the seventh golden lotus was held by the woman again.

Why is Di Lingtian's luck always so good?

The girl in white had a pale face and her body was trembling.

She hadn't forgotten the threat to her from the man who had golden eyes and looked exactly the same as Di Lingtian.

why! Why is God so cruel to her!

Letting her be born with the woman Mo Huang, at first let her enjoy the noble status and lofty status, but also had to take these from her abruptly!

Things are not changed by the various unwillingness of the two.

In the air, golden petals flew out from the Jun Mohuang space ring, forming a golden lotus with the last golden petal in her hand.

This golden lotus has only six petals, and it is still missing the last petal.

In the air ring of the girl in white, the fifth golden lotus flower turned into a golden streamer and flew out to fill the gap.

"Do not!"

The girl in white screamed, trying to reach out and grab it, but she didn't even catch the golden streamer on the tail of the golden lotus petal.

She could only watch all this happen without the power to stop it.

The golden lotus was formed, with golden halos like ripples, centering on Jun Mohuang, quickly spreading in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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