Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2541: Flamboyant legend

Chapter 2541 The exaggerated legend

Di Lingtian looked at the crystallization of his love with Jun Mohuang, his heart could not help being soft, and his heart was throbbing.

To end all of this with the fastest speed, and to live such a life with Jun Mohuang, this is what he wants most.

At this moment, becoming a **** is undoubtedly the fastest way to solve all of this.

Zi Shuilan's eyes were covered with a purple light, and she didn't seem to be very conscious.

He was more serious than Di Lingtian, and Di Lingtian could at least see that he was struggling, and Zi Shuilan had begun to be confused.

What emerged in his mind was that Jun Mohuang took the initiative to abandon Emperor Lingtian, and finally chose him to return to the Xuandu Realm with him and become his wife.

Whether it was Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan, the scenes flashing in their minds at this moment were the deadliest temptation and confusion to them.

Jun Mohuang saw that the two of them were in the wrong state, so he stretched out his hand and pinched them.

Di Lingtian took the lead to wake up, looking at the white spar in the hall, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Unknowingly tempting people, he was almost fooled, what a clever way!

The purple light in Zi Shuilan's eyes not only didn't fade away, but instead became more intense, and his defensive barrier was gradually thinning.

Upon seeing this, Jun Mohuang's eyes flickered.

"Shuilan, sorry."

She directly took out a gold crystal the size of a brick from the space ring, and patted Zi Shuilan's head hard.


Zi Shuilan was finally completely awake after being photographed, with a bulge on his forehead.

Zi Shuilan quickly realized what had happened, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across the handsome and charming face.

Soon, he looked at Emperor Lingtian with murderous eyes.

Di Lingtian's eyes were narrowed, and his eyes were like swords, as if he was considering how to cut him a thousand times.

He was disturbed by the white energy line, and what he saw was the wish he most wanted to achieve.

Zi Shuilan must have seen the same.

This male vixen must have seen the scene of success at the top and finally being with Huang'er.

If it wasn't for the inappropriate location, he must have Zi Shuilan run away.

The embarrassment on Zi Shuilan's face disappeared, and she greeted God with Ling Tian's gaze fearlessly, with a strange smile on her lips.

Jun Mohuang had no idea what the two had seen just now, nor knew the shadow of the sword in their eyes.

She noticed that the atmosphere was not right between the two of them, and pulled their sleeves.

"You two won't go, I can go now, I'm going to have a look upstairs."

This sentence, Jun Mohuang spoke to the two in a secret language.

Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan glared at each other. Di Lingtian stretched out his arms, hugged Jun Mohuang's waist, leaped lightly with his toes, and jumped to the first floor.

Zi Shuilan's eyes flickered, followed closely.

The three made an appointment on the first floor of the letter building.

Vigilant Rudi Lingtian also didn't notice, the wisps of **** threads, after they jumped to the first floor, quietly followed the three of them.

On the first floor, there are no rooms, all frescoes.

It's a mural again.

Jun Mohuang's mood began inexplicably.

Immediately gather mental power and eyes and start watching.

The mural this time is about the origin of the Protoss.

Unlike the record in the tomb of Emperor Yize, this mural records that the Protoss originated from a flying stone from outside the sky.

Among the flying rocks outside the sky, their first goddess was born.

This goddess is very beautiful, with a stunning appearance, and is the bloodline left over from the ancient nine feathers of the Yan Phoenix.

The goddess Jun is not to that extent, the murals acted, the goddess Junmei went to the most shining spar in the world, and she was instantly dimmed.

Today's update is complete...

Tomorrow morning, I will go out for work, and I won’t update it at noon. I will update it at night.

Thank you JK-N6, God of War, Bai Qi, ﹌qíng talk yυ煴★, a seat of Qingcheng Laughing at the Prosperous Smoke╮, Fleshy°Stay Orange, Er Fat and other babies for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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