Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2540: Dad, hug

Chapter 2540, father, hug

The hall area is huge, at least more than 100,000 square meters.

At the top of the hall, a huge white spar hung down, and the crystal light radiated from it, illuminating the entire hall.

Jun Mohuang only saw it, and knew that this white spar was not any spar she had come into contact with.

Twenty-story Hui-shaped building is built around the hall, and each floor is decorated with white spar.

As the number of floors increases, the more white spar dots on each floor.

By the twentieth floor, the highest floor, almost no black stone walls can be seen, almost all of them are white crystalline spars.

The crystal light emitted by all the white spars complemented each other, and the brilliant light overflowed with colorful halo.

It's like a fairy tale world.

Jun Mohuang felt very familiar with this kind of crystal light in his heart.

She seemed to see that the Protoss hollowed out the inside of this meteorite and built a back-shaped building around the top white spar. After the repairs, the Protoss couldn't wait to move in, live in it, and cultivate.

The indifferent face of every Protoss is filled with anticipation and joy.

Jun Mohuang couldn't help but want to take a small step forward. When he walked away from the hall, Di Lingtian stretched out his hand and gently held her wrist.

"Huang'er, don't be fooled by the appearance you see."

Jun Mohuang suddenly came back to his senses, and his spiritual power surged into his eyes, and in the entire hall, the gleaming crystal light had all turned into thousands of white energy lines.

Dense energy lines overflow from the white spar above.

The so-called crystal light, all white energy lines.

Wherever the white energy line shines, it will shine white.

Encountered the enchantment of three people, but was reflected back.

"What a formidable energy."

Even though the white energy rays were reflected back by the barrier, Zi Shuilan still couldn't help her aura surge, her spirits vigorous, and her whole body full of strength.

Zi Shuilan has never felt that her condition is so good.

If this energy is used for cultivation, the cultivation speed will definitely be thousands of times that of using the best cultivation resources available.

Even the golden spiritual spring in the Jun Mohuang Qi Sea was far inferior to the white light.

No, to be precise, the two are not at the same level at all.

The unbreakable barrier between the ninth-level Great Perfection of the Zishuilan Yuansheng Realm and the Yuanshen showed signs of loosening.

Even Emperor Lingtian did the same.

As long as the defensive barrier is removed, the white energy light can be introduced into the sea of ​​air and impact the barrier that separates it from the original spirit realm.

There will be a chance to enshrine gods, reach the primordial spirit realm, and become a true **** race.

Especially the super powers of Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan, who are the ninth-order Dzogchen of Yuansheng Realm, are even more difficult to resist this temptation.

A soft voice sounded in Di Ling Tian's divine consciousness.

"Withdraw from the defensive barrier and actively accept this energy, you can immediately enshrine the gods, and from then on above the rules of heaven and earth, your beloved woman will not suffer the slightest grievance and harm."

As the voice fell, pictures after pictures were found in the Di Lingtian divine consciousness.

His Huang'er lives with him in a small wooden house in the Tianji Valley, warm and sweet.

He is the only **** between heaven and earth, and she is his beloved wife, and nothing can separate them.

Jun Mohuang was holding an extremely cute little girl, smiling at him, his eyes full of love and dependence on him.

The little girl in her arms stretched out two small hands and acted softly to him, "Daddy, hug."

Di Lingtian stood there, red light surged in his **** eyes, his reason was being swallowed, and he was fighting fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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