Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2531: True gods and false gods

Chapter 2531 True God and False God

"The Protoss will become the true gods who do not maintain the strength and status of the heaven and earth vitality and the crystal of the origin after the gods are enshrined. On the contrary, the gods who need to continue to rely on the vitality of the heavens and the earth and the crystal of the origin to maintain their power and status after the gods are false gods.

This is a concept created by the Protoss, and Jun Mohuang has seen it in the murals in the tomb of Emperor Yize.

Protoss came up with this concept, which shows that he loves and hates the heaven and earth vitality and the crystal of origin.

"The Protoss is really crazy."

After listening, Zi Shuilan gave such a comment.

It doesn't need heaven and earth vitality and the crystal of origin to maintain everything, just like ordinary cultivators don't need spiritual qi, and flying cultivators without strength can survive without eating, which is a wishful thinking.

"Although this request is wishful thinking, it seems that they have found a way to realize their ideals."

The four words "The Land of the True God" on the gate are enough to explain everything.

Protoss must have discovered a certain method, and this method must be related to this meteorite.

Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian, and Zi Shuilan exchanged glances and decided to take a risk, go to the so-called home of the true gods to find out.


Time goes back and forth.

The moment Jun Mohuang got the golden petals, a golden lotus petal turned black in the depths of the holy pond.

The white-clothed man woke up from the deep cultivator, Jin Miao saw that two lotus petals turned black during this time, and his good-looking brows were tightened, and a nameless anger burned in his golden eyes.

That woman is so useless!

He has spent a huge price to intervene in the choice of Essence Crystal and inform all the key information.

She still messed up for him, these geniuses collected a poor piece!

The white-clothed man looked frosty, and he couldn't figure out why Luo Chen and the white-clothed girl would still lose because of their advantages in time and number.

Naturally, he couldn't guess that Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian led Luo Chen to enter first, relying on Di Yize's runes.

I don't know the adventures of Emperor Ling Tianjun and Mo Phoenix in Spirit Devouring Valley.

A sneer appeared in the golden eyes of the man in white. How could he forget that his dear brother is not a simple character.

He died in his hands twice, how could his dear brother dismiss it so easily.

But it doesn't matter, he naturally has a way to deal with it, he only needs to make slight changes to the original plan.

After all, as the younger brother of Di Lingtian's mother, he can't be too bad either.

It just so happened that when Di Lingtian entered such a place, it would delay a lot of time.

During this period of time, he could completely transform the last golden lotus petal.

When Di Lingtian came out of there, everything would be irreversible.

The man in white came to the golden lotus petals.

The golden color of this flower, which was originally all golden petals, has changed a lot. The five petals are black, one petal is white, and one petal is golden.

There are also two golden petals, but they are ghosts, used to confuse the audience.

The white-clothed man's eyes flashed with blood, **** and murderous, making people creepy for no reason, and it was extremely inconsistent with his golden eyes.

He stretched out his hand and patted his mouth suddenly, and the red blood spurted from his mouth like sprinkling water.

A drop of golden blood fell on the last real golden lotus petal.

Like a drop of golden dew, the golden lotus petals immediately bloomed with golden light, and the brilliant golden light shone on the depths of the entire holy pond.

(End of this chapter)

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