Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2530: The Land of the True God

Chapter 2530 The Land of the True God

Jun Mohuang changed his words and explained for the two of them.

Strangely, there is no space in this world, except for the continents, it is an endless void.

The void is similar to space, but different.

There will never be such a big meteorite in the void, and some have long been scraped into pieces by the void storm that blew up from time to time.

From the perspective of the crater, this meteorite must have fallen to the ground, otherwise it would not have formed a crater.

In order to fear that the two would not understand, Jun Mohuang roughly explained to them what gravity means.

Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan frowned at the same time, and Zi Shuilan said first, "It doesn't make sense, there is no such big stone in the void."

The stone in the distance is at least tens of thousands of meters in diameter.

Zi Shuilan's suspicion was similar to Jun Mohuang's thoughts.

The Lord of the Continent often walks in the void. Zi Shuilan has an understanding of the gravel material in the void, and there is no stone with this energy walking in the void.

"How dangerous is it."

What Emperor Lingtian cared about was danger.

The thing that Emperor Yize marked with three question marks on the map must be the meteorite mentioned by Jun Mohuang.

No one has ever seen a stone of this material, which is why Di Yize will mark three question marks.

With Jun Mohuang's temperament, she would definitely go forward to find out.

So facing this black behemoth, Di Lingtian only cared about this.

"Some meteorites are radioactive, and some don't. I don't know about this stuff. I suggest that we still use the strongest and strongest defensive barrier, and then go and see."

Jun Mohuang is not a geologist and knows very little about meteorites.

"Of course, in addition to radioactivity, there may be aliens in it."

However, this possibility is very small, even if there are foreign objects in the sky, they have long been wiped out by the gods and runes.

Such a large meteorite fell here, and it must have shocked all the creatures of the Celestial Continent.

The three people summoned the enchantment, each used all defenses to strengthen the enchantment, and flew towards the meteorite.

As the meteorite gets closer and closer, the gravity in the air gets stronger.

Finally, when the meteorite was still two kilometers away, the wings were completely useless, and they could only use walking.

The three approached and walked around the meteorite.

A series of mysterious energy similar to rays shot out from the meteorite, hit the three people's defense barrier, was blocked by the barrier, and the energy rays were immediately refracted away.

"Mo Phoenix, is this the radiation you are talking about?"

Zi Shuilan looked at the entangled rays in the air. This kind of energy was already strong and rich enough to exist in a form of transformation.

"I don't know, maybe it's other radioactive energy."

Jun Mohuang shook her head, facing this meteorite, she didn't even want to use the power of induction.

Using the power of induction will accept the energy of the meteorite. The ghost knows what the energy is and whether it is harmful.

The three question marks marked on Di Yize's map made her wary of this meteorite.

The three of them continued to circle around. Twenty minutes later, the meteorite in front of them suddenly changed.

The pavilions are stacked on top of each other and are magnificent. These buildings are all built on site with meteorite materials.

Opposite the three, there are thousands of steps.

On the steps, a 100-meter-high gate opened wide, and hundreds of black stone pillars rose from the ground.

At the top of the gate, four golden characters are powerful and powerful.

Di Lingtian raised his eyes to look at the four words, and said softly: "The Land of True Gods."

Zi Shuilan chewed the two words, "True God..."

(End of this chapter)

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