Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2516: Suspicious amnesia

Chapter 2516 Suspicious Amnesia

Feng Yehan was about to say a few words to coax her, when two strong winds came suddenly behind her.

Feng Yehan turned his toes and avoided immediately.

Two cyan sharp swords could be cut across his arm and immediately cut the clothes, revealing two blood stains.

A pair of blue sharp swords crossed Feng Ye Han and pierced into a huge rock behind him.

The rock was directly blown into pieces.

Before Feng Yehan had time to find out who hurt him, a woman's angry voice came.

"Who dares to bully my daughter!"

Mo Yaxi's pair of black wings descended from the sky and landed beside Feng Yehan.

"It's you! Give Xiao Ke back to me."

When she saw that it was Feng Ye Han, two cold lights suddenly shot out in her eyes, with strong precautions.

Now, she and all the spirit races who did not follow Jun Mohuang are enemies.

Feng Yehan took the opportunity to kidnap her daughter, what did he want to do!

"Mother, mother, father doesn't want me anymore.

Mo Xiao could see Mo Yaxi's arrival, and stretched out a pair of chubby hands, wanting to return to her.

"Sister, calm down, calm down."

Mo Xi, Yun Lan and Baili Yunsheng landed.

Mo Yaxi heard Mo Xiaoke's cry just now, and the speed was so fast that none of them could catch up.

"Xiao Ke...Xiao Ke is your child."

Feng Yehan looked at Mo Yaxi, his eyes gradually deepened.

He did not expect that Mo Xiao was her child.

Before he entered the holy pond, he thought about being the father of Mo Yaxi's child.

Now, in fact, only from this point, he has initially realized this wish, because this little guy has already recognized him.

"Otherwise, who do you think it belongs to, give her back to me."

When Mo Yaxi saw Feng Yehan didn't want to pay it back, he took the initiative to hold it.

"Wait, Yaxi, Xiao Ke has been taking care of me these days. It's not impossible to return her to you, you still owe me a lot of wind element spirit crystals."

Feng Yehan gently patted Mo Xiaoke's back, and quietly said to her in a secret language, "Goodbye, Xiaoke, don't cry, I know it's wrong, I am your father."

Mo Xiaoke broke his tears into a smile immediately, holding Feng Yehan's neck, unwilling to come down.

Feng Yehan started Jinpa, carefully wiping the tears on Mo Xiaoke's face.

"Feng Yehan, what is your memory, I have already given you."

Seeing Mo Xiaoke finally stopped crying, Mo Yaxi's anxiety disappeared a bit, she looked at Feng Yehan with a strange expression.

"Gave it to me, why don't I remember."

Doubts flashed in the beautiful purple eyes of the wind and cold.

Mo Yaxi's expression did not lie.

Mo Yaxi reminded, "It's the last time in the Bafang Profound Realm, in the valley of the Baili family."

Mo Xiaoke suddenly interrupted and said: "Mother, I found that Daddy couldn't remember some things clearly. He couldn't remember that he was born when he was born, and he took his name."

"I know what's going on."

Feng Yanhan carefully recalled the events of that night and found that the memory was blank.

A sharp light flashed across Feng Yehan's eyes. This was not the first time this happened.

Every time it happened after he went to meet Luo Chen.

Feng Yehan hugged Mo Xiaoke and didn't let go, "Xiaoke, I can't return it to you now, she will take us to find the wind elemental spirit crystal vein."

After Feng Yehan finished speaking, he held Mo Xiaoke and left.

"Mother, auntie, hurry up and follow."

Mo Xiaoke stretched out his hand from Feng Yehan's shoulder to greet Mo Yaxi and Mo Xi.

Mo Yaxi immediately stepped forward to follow, she couldn't let Mo Xiaoke follow Fengfeng Yehan alone.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you ╲ゞ love fighting cool Xi Mo Lisheng, JK-N6, God of War, Bai Qi,? ? a? ? , Girl? ? ? Mei Niu waits for the baby's reward.

(End of this chapter)

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