Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2515: No barking

Chapter 2515 can't barter

The four of them galloped in the air, and Mo Yaxi stared at the missing person jade symbol in his hand, thinking about Mo Xiaoke.

Mo Xi talked to her, trying to distract her and make her less nervous.

The result is completely useless.

Mo Xi shrugged to Yun Lan and Baili Yunsheng.

It's okay for a long time, everyone, you say, I say, pull Mo Yaxi to speak, she has no time to think that Mo Xiaoke is okay.

There are only four people now, and Mo Yaxi has the jade talisman for finding people in his hands. This method is totally useless.

She couldn't wait to use all her strength to fly away in the same direction as Mo Xiaoke, the faster the better.

Along the way, everyone stopped talking.

Three hours later, the jade charm in Mo Yaxi's hand suddenly started to get hot.

"It's there, Xiao Ke is there!"

The direction indicated by the jade symbol is a high mountain.

Mo Yaxi's eyes flashed with joy, and her wings shook, urging her speed to the extreme and flew to the mountains ahead.

Mo Xi, Yun Lan and Baili Yun Sheng breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and the three immediately followed.

On the mountainside of this high mountain.

"Xiao Ke, are you sure it's right here?"

Feng Yehan held Mo Xiaoke and led all the Feng Clan people to walk on the mountainside.

"That's right, daddy, I have already smelled the wind elemental spirit crystal, so I just go about two kilometers forward."

Mo Xiaoke stretched out his white, tender, chubby fingers to point out the direction for Feng Yehan.

All the Feng Clan people like Mo Xiaoke, not only because of her cute appearance and good-looking personality.

She is particularly sensitive to the wind element and can directly sense the presence of the wind element spirit crystal nearby.

Leaning on Mo Xiaoke these days, they have discovered two wind elemental spirit crystal veins.

After several days of getting along, Mo Xiaoke's feelings with Feng Yehan became closer and closer.

At first, Feng Yehan patiently taught Mo Xiaoke that she was not her father and asked her to change her mind.

But Mo Xiao can persevere, no matter what Feng Yehan says, he just doesn't change.

Feng Yehan didn't care, and even liked her close address in her heart.

But when she thinks that her biological father must be a member of the Feng clan, one day their father and daughter will always recognize each other. If she is preconceived and regards her as her own father, it would be too unfair to her true father.

Thinking of this, the corners of Feng Yehan's lips pursed slightly, and the expression on Jun Yi's face receded, changing into a serious and cold expression.

"Xiao Ke, you remember, I am not your father, father is your mother's husband, these two words can not be barked."

Mo Xiaoke stared at Feng Yehan blankly. She didn't understand why Feng Yehan, who had always been gentle and affectionate to her, suddenly changed his face.

Mo Xiaoke thought about it, there was only one reason, and that was her father didn't want her!

She curled her mouth and began to cry.

A drop of tears flowed out of those smart eyes without moving.

Mo Xiaoke was so heartbroken that he was extremely sad.

"Daddy Do not hum hum ...... baby ...... this change of heart dad, dad is a bad guy ......"

"Little dear, don't cry, your father is lying to you, he is testing how much you like him."

"That's right, your father didn't have a good sense of measure for a while, don't cry, we will help you get justice later.

Everyone of the Feng Clan immediately stepped forward to coax Mo Xiaoke, while looking at Feng Yehan with condemnation.

The patriarch is also true, such a small child can understand what reason.

Feng Yehan looked at Mo Xiaoke who was crying loudly.

"Xiao Ke, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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