Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2510: Helped to count the money after being sold

Chapter 2510 is sold and still help count the money


On the surface, Yao Xuan was agreeing, but what he thought in his heart was that this child would not grow up and he had no future to speak of.

Yao Xuan stayed in this dilapidated building and took care of Ye Xueman's mother and son for three days.

In these three days, Ye Xueman had the happiest time.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Yao Xuan proposed to part with her.

"Xueman, you have almost recovered, so stay here to take a good rest. In order for our son to have a better future, I will go outside to help the gods and venerables."

"Xueman, don't worry. The Venerable said that this building is a relic of the Protoss. The monsters in the holy pond dare not come forward. It is extremely remote and there are hidden barriers. No one will come. It is safe here. Stay here and wait for my return."

The Venerable in Yao Xuan's mouth refers to the leader of the black shadow man.

"Okay... OK, Brother Xuan, be careful all the way and pay attention to safety."

Despite Ye Xueman's reluctance, he still agreed.

She has just given birth, and she is still taking the baby, so she will definitely take the medicine and drag her out.

The two lived in this dilapidated building for several days. It was indeed safe here. No monsters were near, let alone no one.

This place is the safe place that the black shadow man told them when they entered the holy pool.

Ye Xueman is very assured of the safety here.

"There is enough food, clothing, and spiritual fruit outside. Remember, as long as you don't go out fifty meters away, it's safe."

Yao Xuan placed two spatial rings next to Ye Xueman.

He bowed his head and kissed Ye Xueman's forehead.

"Sherman, I'm leaving."

"Brother Xuan, be careful all the way, we wait for you to come back."

Ye Xueman sent Yaoxuan out, until his figure disappeared in the dense forest for a long time, then reluctantly returned.

After Yao Xuan stepped out of Ye Xueman's sight, his eyebrows were flying, unable to restrain his inner self-satisfaction.

Hahaha, Ye Xueman, a silly woman, even asked him to be careful, and she should be the one who needs to be careful.

Yao Xuan quietly went back from the other side, with his current strength, it was easy to fool Ye Xueman.

Yaoxuan walked to a location similar to an altar in the ruins of the Protoss. This position happened to be the blind spot of Ye Xueman's vision.

He took out the two crystal bottles with a drop of blood suspended in each of the two crystal bottles.

Yao Xuan threw both crystal bottles into the altar.

Inside, a bottle is Ye Xueman's blood, which he took three days ago while Ye Xueman was giving birth.

One bottle is his son's blood, which he personally obtained from his son while Ye Xueman was asleep in these three days.

Yao Xuan threw two crystal bottles into it, and the altar quickly spit out two jade pendants with mysterious runes engraved on them.

It is two jade symbols.

Yao Xuan got the jade talisman, showing a smile that he was sure to win.

He looked at the ruins of the Protoss where Ye Xueman's mother and son were, and Ye Xueman's voice of coaxing the child came out.

Sherman, don't blame me for being cruel, you can only blame you for being stupid.

Yao Xuan took the key things and quickly disappeared.

Ye Xueman was still coaxing her son with the softest voice, and she didn't know what Yao Xuan had done and returned.


Luo Chen's side.

Luo Chen and the girl in white went to the sixth golden petal.

This destination is farther than ever before.

Luo Chen and the girl in white were afraid that Jun Mohuang would be the first, and rushed to the destination overnight.

Finally, the two got their wish.

Before Di Lingtian, Jun Mohuang and others arrived, they finally saw the destination.

(End of this chapter)

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