Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2509: All kinds of unreliable

Chapter 2509 is not reliable

It can be seen that this kind of prophecy is not reliable.

For the future, stay in awe of the future, and strive to live well every minute and every second of the present, this is her rule of life.

It is because the future is unpredictable that every minute and every second of the present seems to be extremely precious and beautiful.

The two entered the courtyard and wandered around. The courtyard was like the tomb of Emperor Yize, and there was nothing good about it except for the talisman.

"Let's go, Huang'er."

Di Lingtian hugged her, his **** wings spread out behind him, and he flew away without any nostalgia.

When the two landed, Feng Yunqi immediately greeted him.

"Boss, Emperor, you are finally back."

"We went there for a few days."

Feng Yunqi said, "Not much, just two days."

Two days, a lot of time.

Jun Mohuang was worried that Luo Chen and the white-clothed girl would take advantage of the time, get the sixth lotus petal, and take everyone out of the valley.

According to the direction of the golden lotus petals, fly towards the sixth flower's golden lotus petals.

Coincidentally, the direction of the sixth golden lotus petal is exactly the third red X marked on the map of Emperor Yize, with three red question marks next to it.

Obviously, Di Yize himself hadn't figured out what was there.

Jun Mohuang unfolded the map and looked at it in detail. Suddenly, she had a hunch in her heart. Maybe she arrived at this place, and she could figure out the reason why the **** race and the rune were opposed.

It was also possible to figure out why Di Yize insisted on destroying Di Lingtian's younger brother.


Somewhere in the dense forest of the holy pond, in a dilapidated building, there was a constant cry of female pain.

"Ah! It hurts!"

Ye Xueman lay on a fleece blanket with wide-eyed eyes, holding the fleece blanket in both hands, and kept yelling.

Her towering abdomen trembled constantly, and blood flowed from her skirt.

"Go hard, Sherman, our baby is about to be born."

Yao Xuan sat on the side, squeezing her hand, cheering for her.

"Well, Brother Xuan, I will work hard!"

Receiving Yao Xuan's encouragement, Ye Xueman's body was full of power again.

She didn't want to yell in front of Yao Xuan, but it was so painful and heart-piercing, she couldn't help it.

Ye Xueman wailed for another half an hour, and finally, a loud baby cry sounded in the dilapidated building, Ye Xueman's face was pale, but his heart was greatly relieved.

She finally gave birth to the crystallization of her love with Yao Xuan.

"Brother Xuan, hurry, show me quickly."

Ye Xueman's eyes showed extremely strong expectations. She couldn't wait to see what the crystallization of love between her and Yao Xuan was like the child she gave birth to with all her strength.

Yao Xuan stepped forward immediately and picked up his child.

Is a son.

However, this is not the focus of Yao Xuan's concern.

Yao Xuan turned his newborn son over, and saw a small silver nine-pointed star on his waist, ecstasy appeared in his eyes.

As expected, the black shadow man leader didn't lie to him. After a star seed like him is combined with a celestial talisman like Ye Xueman, a child born in the holy pond will also be a celestial talisman.

The identity of his son is even higher than that of the Heavenly Talisman.

very good!

With this kid in hand, he is one step closer to success.

Yao Xuan was happy, and held his son to Ye Xueman.

"It's a son."

"He is so beautiful, he will be as handsome and charming as Brother Xuan when he grows up."

Ye Xueman looked down at her and Yao Xuan's child, her eyes were gentle as water, and her whole body exuded a maternal glow.

(End of this chapter)

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