Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2487: Lord priest, the only hope

Chapter 2487 Monarch Priest, The Only Hope

In case the Crystal of Origin is disgusted that she has been exposed to the air of death, and disgusted with her choosing Mo Phoenix, all her efforts will be in vain.

The girl in white will never allow this to happen, she wants to drive away the Yuan chief and others.

"Have you heard the order from the Queen of God, don't hurry up."

Luo Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and the worry in his heart was the same as that of the girl in white.

Anyone who threatens to obtain the Crystal of Origin cannot let it go.

What's more, Di Lingtian and the others have fallen into the Spirit Devouring Valley, he has no opponents, he no longer needs these people.

"My lord, please let the queen save us, don't drive us away."

"My lord, the queen has superb medical skills. She has treated this symptom. She has experience, my lord!"

The patriarch Yuan and others couldn't believe that Luo Chen and the girl in white would chase them away immediately.

For the white-clothed girl, this is just a little troublesome.

The signs of their physical breakdown are becoming more and more obvious, this will be driven away, and there is only a dead end waiting for them.

Their wives and unborn children are waiting outside the holy pond, and they must not die here.

"Brother Chen, let them go quickly and never allow them to come near!"

The black death air on the head of the Yuan clan and the others became more and more intense, and the face of the white-clothed girl was extremely sick.

"My lord! Please, please see our past merits, don't drive us away, please let the **** queen take care of it!"

The patriarch Yuan and other spirit races immediately knelt down to Luo Chen and kept begging Luo Chen.

"The past merits? Huh, this monarch is the **** of the heavenly spirit world, and you should serve the lord. You are actually proud of your credit and threaten the lord with the so-called merits."

"Go away, I don't need courtiers like you."

Luo Chen exuded a cold air, his sleeves flicked, and the pressure spread like a tide, instantly sweeping the Yuan patriarch and others back several tens of meters before they could stabilize their pace.


The patriarch Yuan and others vomited several mouthfuls of blood, and eagerly stepped forward, wanting to find Luo Chen again.

Luo Chen was no longer visible because of the moisture in the air.

"what should we do."

Luo Chen and the girl in white threw them here, they were completely panicked.

They couldn't figure out why the girl in white would abandon them.

The girl in white has always been gentle, kind and virtuous.

Even the Devil Emperor didn't care about the predecessors and asked the priest to save them, why Luo Chen and the girl in white directly abandoned them.

"Let's ask the Lord and the Queen more. The Queen has always been a gentle and kind-hearted man. She was just scared."

And the Spirit Race did not give up and made this proposal.

"When will you deceive yourself and others, the Lord and the Queen deliberately refused to treat us because we are no longer useful!"

"What gentleness and kindness, don't forget, she sent the high priest with the elite guards of the spiritual palace to slaughter our ladies. Jun Shang has already known this matter in his heart, but there is nothing to break!"

Among all the spirit races, the head of the Yuan patriarch saw the most clearly.

"Then what are we going to do."

The words of the Yuan chief came to the heart of these spirit races, directly breaking their illusions all along.

"Let's wait. I think the water mist in the air will aggravate our symptoms. Maybe the priest will come back. If she appears, we will ask the priest to save us."

As the clan chief Yuan said, his back flapped his wings and descended.

The other spirit races couldn't think of it, so they had to follow the Yuan family to fly down.

(End of this chapter)

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