Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2486: Drive away all

Chapter 2486 is all driven away

Luo Chen's side.

After Luo Chen forced Emperor Lingtian, Jun Mohuang, and Zi Shuilan to jump out of the Valley of Spirit Devouring, they were in a good mood and looked flying.

He hasn't been so happy in a long time.

Entering Spirit Devouring Valley, Emperor Lingtian will not die, and his strength will greatly retreat, which is no longer a fear.

As for the woman Jun Mohuang, who is not as strong as Di Lingtian, her off-court will only be worse.

Luo Chen felt a little sorry for Jun Mohuang.

This woman would be more useful if she followed him.

It was she herself who chose the wrong person, and now she deserves it.

Luo Chen thought of this, and looked at the girl in white, with pride in his heart.

He was far more insightful than Di Lingtian, and he found the real Huang'er all at once.

Without the obstacles of Emperor Lingtian, Jun Mohuang and others, his Huang'er will soon collect the remaining few petals and retrieve the original crystal.

"Huang'er, where are we going next?"

Luo Chen looked at the white-clothed girl in her eyes full of love.

"Brother Chen, northwest."

The girl in white tossed the golden lotus petals in her hand, the lotus petals were suspended in the air, and the petal tips immediately pointed out the direction.

Luo Chen and his group leaped into the air and immediately headed to the northwest of Shengchi.

Luo Chen and his group flew for a day and arrived close to the destination.

The location of the fifth petal is a big waterfall.

The drenched water vapor continued to diffuse to the sky, condensing into strands of mist.

When everyone was walking through the fog and was about to land, the high priest suddenly pointed to the Yuan chief and the others screamed.

"You...what's the matter with you, your faces!"

The high priest's expression was horrified, as if he had seen a ghost.

"be quiet!"

The girl in white was frightened by the high priest's roar and was very dissatisfied with the high priest.

"What's going on."

The patriarch Yuan and others frowned, wondering why the high priest suddenly started screaming.

They looked at each other, and their expressions instantly changed to look like the high priest.

His companion's face, neck, and hands were all black spots as big as coins.

They couldn't be more familiar with this kind of spot, and it was a sign of body breakdown.

Before the spirit tribe army and the demon tribe army were fighting, the army had appeared on a large scale, and it caused panic at that time.

It was the white-clothed girl who took the shot and suppressed the symptoms of the collapse of the Spirit Race army.

The water vapor continued to spread to the Yuan patriarch and the others, and the signs of their body collapse became more and more obvious, and the black spots on their bodies became bigger and bigger.

The black air of death gradually enveloped them.

"Body breakdown is a body breakdown. Your lord, it's better to get rid of them all."

The high priest moved away from the Yuan patriarch and others at the fastest speed.

"Your Majesty, the Queen of God, this phenomenon must have occurred after they were severely injured after being hit in the underground palace!"

"You are so courageous, knowing that your body is broken, you dare to follow the king and the queen, and leave by yourself if you know him!"

The high priest tried his best to let Luo Chen and the white-clothed girl drive away the Yuan patriarch and others.

A body breakdown will be contagious, he doesn't want to be contagious, he wants to enjoy the endless glory and wealth with the white-clothed girl **** queen.

"Their bodies are broken, Brother Chen, hurry up and drive them away, it's disgusting!"

The girl in white saw the black death air spreading in the air and immediately hid behind Luo Chen.

She is a descendant of the gods, holy and sacred, she must not let death be contaminated.

(End of this chapter)

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