Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2472: Protoss and Runemakers

Chapter 2472 Protoss and Runes

Including the runes, there are more than 500 protoss in the mainland at most.

There are more and more protoss people, and they soon discovered that the heaven and earth vitality and the original crystal that they depended on before becoming a **** are consumables, and neither of them can be regenerated.

After they become gods, they must also rely on their cultivation resources.

The protoss began to control the consumption of the original crystal and compete for the mineral vein of the original crystal.

The initial period of peace on the Celestial Continent ended and entered a period of chaos.

Protoss often fought to fight for the origin of the crystal veins, and many protoss were seriously injured and even died.

Immortality and endless life do not mean immortality.

Protoss can also be killed.

This kind of melee continues until more than 100,000 years have passed, and only a hundred protoss survives, half of which are runes.

The other protoss died in this melee.

The source races in the mainland who knew they were hopeless to become gods could not stand the turmoil of war and moved away to live in the four continents of the middle plane.

The war brought not only the death of a large number of protoss, but also the consumption of resources.

The Protoss could not withstand the massive consumption of the Crystal of Origin, and finally had to cease the war in a way that would talk about it.

Peace has been maintained for another hundred thousand years.

The original crystal and weather vitality were finally consumed by the gods.

Without the nourishment of the two energy substances, the strength of the protoss began to regress, and there was even the phenomenon of aging of the protoss, which made the protoss panic.

They began to seek solutions to the problem.

Neither the original crystal nor the weather vitality can regenerate, they can only try to get rid of their dependence on both.

Protoss believes that this result is due to their obsessiveness, desire, and hope.

After all, a true God should have no desires and no demands.

They began to strip away their emotions and basic traits, and transferred these traits to the source race of the mid-plane life.

The Protoss stripped the greed, and was forced to accept the greedy source races to become the ancestors of the demons.

Strip the pride and form the predecessor of the spirit race.

Separate selfishness and form the predecessor of Human Race.

Strip off the reckless impulse to form the predecessor of the orc.

Split the loyalty to form the predecessor of the Celestial Clan.

The basic characteristics of the Protoss are naturally more than the above, there are many more.

But in the end only these five races have been successfully stocked so far.

After a series of stripping, the Protoss directly stripped themselves into nothingness. Except for maintaining their divinity, they didn't care about anything, became wantless and wantless, above all things, and enjoyed longevity smoothly.

The reliance of the gods on the vitality of heaven and earth and the crystal of origin has also been greatly weakened.

Weakening does not mean getting rid of dependence completely. Sooner or later, the crystal of origin and the vitality of heaven and earth will be consumed.

The Protoss are prepared for danger in times of peace, and are very nervous about these two kinds of energy that can maintain the characteristics of the Protoss.

They began to attack the wild beasts in the Celestial Continent.

The behemoths do not realize the benefits of the original crystal, and will not mine and consume the original crystal, but they will consume the vitality of the world.

Protoss has not allowed any creatures other than their accidents to consume the vitality of heaven and earth.

Protoss hunted and arrested the behemoths wildly.

This process lasted about 10,000 years.

The protoss have now discovered other energies that maintain their status and divinity.

During this period of time, the five major races who were exiled to the mid-plane to survive had their own characteristics, and according to the environment, the development department wanted to match various characteristics with the existing characteristics, prospering and developing, and endless.

The five major races form a powerful and unmistakable vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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