Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2471: The first Gennoaki Moto

Chapter 2471 The original crystal of the first generation

She suppressed the doubts in her heart and kept watching.

The continents of the lower planes are as vast as stars, and there are countless.

The four continents on the median plane have their own characteristics and are occupied by Warcraft.

There are so many continents on the lower planes, and basically they don't have aura, and even Beasts don't bother to survive in the lower planes.

The humanoid life first appeared on the highest plane, and it was also the celestial continent with the richest and purest spirit race.

They are called the source race, meaning the originator.

The Celestial Continent not only lives with the source race, but also a group of prehistoric giants.

The well water of the two does not interfere with the river water, and they live in peace at the beginning.

The mainland is not only rich in spiritual energy, but also a large number of heaven and earth vitality and the original crystal containing the original power.

The source races began to use their spiritual energy for cultivation. The cultivation conditions on the mainland were so good that many people quickly advanced to the Yuanhuang realm.

Then use the crystal of origin and the vitality of heaven and earth to advance to Yuansheng, break through the ninth stage of Yuansheng realm, reach the Yuanshen realm, and become the **** of the world.

The Protoss enjoys endless life and a face that never ages, is above all things, and controls the life and death of all things.

The source races with slightly better cultivation talents became gods, and this group of people became the prototype of the gods.

They are fully aware of the benefits of the original crystal and the vitality of the weather.

The weather vitality is the same as the spiritual energy, which is full of the world and cannot be collected.

The Crystal of Origin is different.

Essence Crystal is a kind of spar, buried deep in the ground, as long as the Essence Crystal vein is found, it can be mined in large quantities.

The Protoss found the mineral vein and began to mine the crystal of origin in large quantities.

Dense spar veins appeared on the murals, and a large number of mineral veins were mined.

After many source races cultivated with the crystal of the source, they were promoted to the original **** realm and became the **** race.

The comparison between the source race and the gods on the mural is also very interesting. The source people before becoming gods are only half the size of the gods.

This is just a way of expression, not really different between the two body types.

Just to distinguish the difference between the two, by the way, and to show that the Protoss is above all things.

What really surprised her was the Crystal of Origin.

The original crystal in the mural is a black crystal, exactly the same as her phoenix crystal.

"Ling Tian, ​​actually this thing is my Huang Jing, right?"

Jun Mohuang lightly stroked a black spar on the mural with his finger, and the appearance of the black spar was immediately projected into her divine consciousness.

Di Lingtian replied, "Yes, Phoenix Crystal and Origin Crystal are indeed the same thing."

"Then...what happened to the Phoenix crystal that appeared in the golden lotus this time? It is golden. Before entering the holy pond, the woman also said that I called the Phoenix Crystal wrong."

These doubts have long been in Jun Mohuang's mind, but when he first entered the holy pond, he had been arguing with Emperor Lingtian.

These questions, she can only ask him, at that time, she didn't want to ask him.

"Will I correctly say the Origin Crystal before entering the holy pond,"

"Huang Jing is the original crystal of the first generation, Huang'er, if you continue to look down, maybe there is an answer."

Di Lingtian took her hand and continued to walk down.

The Protoss got the crystal of the origin, and nourished by the vitality of the weather, and once developed to its peak.

The Protoss gradually showed differences after development.

Some protoss are extremely good at elemental attacks, and the other part is good at various runes.

Protoss who are good at runes soon have the title of rune.

In other words, in fact, the Protoss and the Runes are both Protoss, just to distinguish, one of them has a special title.

(End of this chapter)

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