Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2468: Mo Phoenix! Come back soon

Chapter 2468 Mo Huang! Come back soon

Di Lingtian took the hand of Jun Mohuang and walked in the Spirit Devouring Valley looking for clues.

The whole body's aura was lost and their strength plummeted, and the two of them didn't care at all.

Jun Mohuang thought that in Spirit Devouring Valley, there would be corpses all over the ground and bones everywhere.

Unexpectedly, the valley is extremely clean and tidy. The bottom of the valley is covered with black marble, which is as smooth as a mirror, which is artificial.

It looks like someone has been active here.

Di Lingtian took Jun Mohuang's hand and walked to a cliff.

"Ling Tian, ​​why did you come to Spirit Devouring Valley."

The situation at the time was indeed critical, but if Di Lingtian had the only choice to jump down with her, without any follow-up, Jun Mohuang would definitely not believe it.

The only possibility is that Emperor Lingtian chose to come to Spirit Devouring Valley by himself.

"In the beginning, I didn't have the idea of ​​coming down. It was just that when I flew over Spirit Devouring Valley, I noticed a strong force at the bottom of the valley beckoning me, making me feel that I must come down and take a look."

Spirit Devouring Valley is dangerous, and even Emperor Ling can't guarantee that he will retreat.

But the summoning power was too strong, and this power even made Di Lingtian feel close.

This feeling was so strange that he had to take a risk and take a look.

Jun Mohuang asked, "Then the summoned power is still there."

"Yes, that power comes from here."

Di Lingtian took her hand and walked under a cliff.

"Huang'er, I hope you accompany me in and have a look."

Di Lingtian looked at Jun Mohuang, and there was an incapable emotion in his **** eyes.

"it is good."

Jun Mohuang had not seen Emperor Lingtian like this, and immediately agreed.

Di Lingtian took out a dagger, cut his finger, and smeared blood on one of the inconspicuous stones.

The cliff made a dull sound, and a stone gate slowly moved away.

A huge cave was revealed in front of the two.

This cave is different from ordinary caves in that the walls of the cave are as smooth as a mirror, and there are two night pearls on both sides about every ten meters.

The soft pearl light radiates, and the complex golden totems on the cave wall are illuminated with golden light, with a sense of sacredness and majesty.

"Don't be afraid."

Di Lingtian smeared his own blood on Jun Mohuang's forehead, took her hand, and walked into the cave together.

Zi Shuilan had been paying attention to the movement of the two of them, he wanted to enter with them.

Unexpectedly, Zi Shuilan was about to step into it, a golden light flashed, and a golden barrier stopped him.

Shimen rumblingly moved, slowly closing the entrance of the cave.

"Oops! Hurry, stop this stone gate from closing!"

The blood on Jun Liyuan's face was lost, and he stepped forward and screamed.

The opening of the Shimen has long attracted everyone's attention, and Jun Liyuan's loud screams made everyone run to the cave and immediately began to prevent the Shimen from closing.

Shimen is extremely heavy, at least tens of millions of catties.

There are quite a few of them, and now they don't have any spiritual energy at all, and they can't stop Shimen from closing.

"Mo Phoenix, Mo Phoenix! Come back soon!"

Jun Liyuan stepped forward and was blocked by the golden barrier. The golden barrier blocked his sight. He couldn't see the two figures of Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian in the cave.

Jun Liyuan looked anxious, and kept tapping the golden enchantment.

"What happened?"

Seeing Shimen closed, he was about to touch Jun Liyuan, and Mo Xi immediately pulled Jun Liyuan aside.

"That... that stinky boy, he brought Mo Phoenix in!"

(End of this chapter)

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