Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2467: Oh my god, too exciting

Chapter 2467 Heaven, too exciting

Almost at the same time, Zi Shuilan also took out a glider and drove side by side with Di Lingtian.

Jun Mohuang began to rejoice, but fortunately, he was prepared for a rainy day, for fear of accidents in the middle, so he prepared an extra one for everyone.

Otherwise, just fall off like this, I am afraid it looks a little ugly.

There is no trace of gray mist at the bottom of the valley, and the ground of the valley is black marble with a light source like a mirror.

The two gliders of Di Lingtian and Zishuilan slowly slid down one after the other.

At the moment they landed, there were two crisp sounds, and the two gliders fell apart completely.

Di Lingtian hugged Jun Mohuang, stepped on his toes, and landed gracefully.

Zi Shuilan followed them.

As soon as the three of them touched the ground, the mysterious power followed like a shadow and entered the three of them, confining them.

A strong suction force quickly swallowed the aura in the three of them.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the reputation of Spirit Devouring Valley."

Jun Mohuang felt the rapid passing of the spiritual energy in his body, and his heart ached.

This is her aura, accumulated through hard work all the way.

The mysterious power of Spirit Devouring Valley made the three lives incapable of resisting.

The aura was swallowed, and not only did he not get used to it, but the whole body was quite comfortable.

This is obviously a way to purify Spirit Devouring Valley in order to swallow the spiritual energy of the cultivator.

The three of them had no time to talk about their spiritual energy being swallowed, and Feng Yunqi's shout came from above.

"Gosh, this is too exciting, the wind is too strong, my mouth can't close!"

In the rapid fall, everyone closed their mouths wisely, and they communicated in secret words.

The inner spiritual consciousness in the mind used by the secret language transmission is not connected with the aura, mental power, and elemental power, and can be used unscrupulously.

Only Feng Yunqi, an honest person, fell. An Nai couldn't help feeling the excitement in her heart and began to yell, and her tongue bleeds from being cut by the wind.

If you want to close it, you can't close it.

"Attention everyone, we are going to the bottom of the valley. Take out the glider in your space ring and glide and land."

Among all the people, Shu Zizi has the most experience in combat and the strongest ability to respond.

He gave an order, and everyone, including Feng Yunqi, also took out the glider and slowly glided and landed.

Usually many people land in succession, this scene is very spectacular.

Fortunately, this valley is in the big rift valley, wide and big enough, otherwise they have not landed yet, they will definitely hit each other in the air.

The people like Zi Zi were not as skilled in the control of gliders as Di Ling Tian Zi Shuilan, but very good.

After everyone landed safely, everyone surrounded Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian, and Zi Shuilan. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with them, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Yunqi and the dragons even cheered.

Jun Mohuang reluctantly reminded: "Don't be happy first, pay attention to your aura."

"Ah, my aura, how come my aura is not left at all! When did this happen!"

"Uh, I have a little left, ahem, it's gone now."

Everyone found that their aura was swallowed.

They were just astonished for two seconds, and quickly accepted this fact.

After all, the Spirit Devouring Valley they came to would definitely devour their auras, and they were lucky if they were not injured or disabled.

No one is missing, everyone is fighting together, this is the most important thing.

They must be able to go out.

Everyone started to spread out, to see if they could find a clue.

(End of this chapter)

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