Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2454: Feng Yehan's Decision

Chapter 2454 Feng Yehan's Decision

Jiuyuan Thunder Eel was happy to be praised.

Is preparing to launch a new round of consumption on Luo Chen.

It can't directly injure Luo Chen, but it can hold him in this indirect way, allowing him to continuously attack and defend, and aggravate his internal injuries.

The Nine Yuan Thunder Eel Lightning Ball was about to launch, and the Yuan patriarch and others descended from the sky.

"Bold wicked animal, don't hurry up and catch it!"

The high priest followed the Yuan patriarch and the others, and this would rush to the front. He was anxious to behave in front of Luo Chen, and the slogans he shouted were also particularly eye-catching.

Everyone, many people.

When Jiuyuan Electric Eel saw twenty-nine people descending from space, a small heart trembled, and he was flustered and forgot to take any protective measures. His stature became smaller in fright and flung his tail into the water to escape.

"Quickly, everyone obeys orders and immediately surround this electric eel!"

Jiuyuan electric eel was busy fleeing, forgetting to control the river.

Luo Chen only felt that the binding force of the river water on him had dissipated, and his posture was light and he could use his wings again.

Luo Chen summoned his wings, flew to the shore, and put down the girl in white clothes who was like a chicken.

He Luochen, the dignified **** of the heavenly spirit world, was forced to this point by an electric eel, which is simply unforgivable!

The chief of the Yuan clan and other spiritual ministers took the lead and flew to the river to lock all the retreats of the Jiuyuan electric eel.

Jiuyuan Electric Eel had never seen so many people before, and was even more flustered. He even forgot to hide in the depths of the water and kept showing up on the surface of the water.

Was attacked by the Yuan patriarch and hit first.

The nine yuan electric eel wailed,

This is the beginning.

The attacks of the spirit races came out densely, and Luo Chen personally took action. The Jiuyuan Electric Eel was flustered and dizzy.

The Jiuyuan Electric Eel was beaten to the head and confused.

"Little Eel, hold on!"

The gold swallowing beast immediately shrank its body when the Yuan patriarch and others arrived, and swam in the direction of the Jiuyuan electric eel.

It blamed itself very much in its heart. It only watched Luo Chen and the girl in white deflated, but did not notice that the high priest ran away to move the soldiers.

The Jiuyuan Electric Eel was panicked and frightened, and the golden swallowing beast and its secret speech were completely useless.

It didn't have the slightest tactics when it ran away. It was very difficult for the Gold Swallowing Beast to find it.

When the golden swallowing beast found it, its head was hit hard and it had passed out.

"Little Eel, don't be afraid, I will take you to her immediately, she will definitely heal you."

The gold swallowing beast held the nine yuan electric eel in its arms, and with a kick on its hind legs, it disappeared into the depths of the water like a golden arrow.

Seeing that Luo Chen was about to catch the electric eel, he was suddenly disrupted and naturally felt unhappy in his heart.

The degree of closeness between the gold swallowing beast and the water element is unmatched by everyone present.

Luo Chen was worried that another electric eel would appear after he was launched into the water, and it would be difficult to get out of the situation when the previous situation reappeared.

Luo Chen launched various attacks and bombarded the water for a long time, splashing countless waves.

After venting for a long time, Luo Chen had to give up.


Somewhere in the valley in the holy pool, Feng Yehan led the Feng Clan tribe to mine spar here.

They found a small white spar vein in the valley. They couldn't name this white spar, and no one else had seen it.

The spar contains rich and pure aura, which is extremely suitable for cultivation.

Since the Wind Clan was almost slaughtered by the elite guards of the Spirit Palace, the members of the Wind Clan have become dissatisfied with Luo Chen.

Feng Yehan has decided to be with Mo Yaxi.

(End of this chapter)

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