Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2453: Go and save

Chapter 2453 Go and save people

Dense ice swords spread over the sky, and each ice arrow has the power of a nine-star artifact.

The Jiuyuan Electric Eel shook its tail, and a thick wall of water rose to block the ice sword from attacking, and its ability to dissolve everything with water elements made these ice swords invisible.

The nine yuan electric eel emerges from the water wall and sends out a third lightning attack.

Luo Chen escaped again, his Yu Guang glanced at the high priest who had been paralyzed on the shore, and couldn't help being furious.

"What do you want to do, don't get out and call someone!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Only then did the high priest wake up like a dream, forcing himself to stand up and crawling to find someone.

In the water, Luo Chen and Jiuyuan Electric Eel have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The Nine Yuan Thunder Eel has the strength of the seventh-tier mid-stage of the Yuansheng Realm, and the water is its home field. It can control the water element to resolve Luo Chen's various attacks. The disadvantage is that the attack speed is too slow and the accuracy is not high.

That's why Luo Chen avoided the attacks of the lightning ball again and again.

Luo Chen's advantage lies in the full element attack, the attack is fierce and fierce, and the speed and accuracy are very high.

It is a pity that he was injured. Under the control of the Jiuyuan Electric Eel, he displayed his figure in the water and could not leave directly with his wings and teleportation jade charm.

This river water is rich and pure, and any attack can be resolved into the invisible.

The two sides are in a stalemate.

Twenty minutes later, the two sides still had no winners.

Luo Chen's face turned pale and his whole body was wet with water. Looking at the Jiuyuan Electric Eel, anger was burning in his deep black eyes.

He knew that he had encountered a prehistoric monster.

He even explained that he did not intend to use the river water, and even apologized to the dead fish, but the other party completely ignored it.

The white-clothed girl was worse than Luo Chen, she was leaning on Luo Chen weakly.

In the past twenty minutes, she could not remember how many salivas she drank.

She only knew that her stomach was about to burst by the river.

She didn't know what was going on. Every time the waves hit, she obviously didn't open her mouth, and she had to be filled with water.

A new round of contest between the two sides began.

The high priest kept running, forgetting to spread his wings.

It didn't work to send jade symbols in the holy pond, and he didn't know where he was going to find someone.

The high priest didn't know how long he had been running. Finally, when he saw a group of dark shadows in the sky ahead, the high priest remembered that he could still use flying wings.

The high priest didn't care whether he was an enemy or a friend, and immediately flew into the sky with his flying wings.

When seeing the Yuan patriarch and others, the high priest felt that he was frightened. For a moment, he thought he had seen a dead person.

"High priest, what happened, my lord!"

Seeing the high priest panicked, the Yuan chief suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Quickly, Lord, Lord is in the river ahead."

Out of breath, the high priest led the Yuan chief and the others to fly to the river.

In the river.

The protracted battle between Luo Chen and Jiuyuan Electric Eel continued.

The white-clothed girl couldn't hold more water in her stomach, clutching Luo Chen's arm, constantly vomiting.

Luo Chen only felt extremely embarrassed.

Nine Yuan Thunder Eel was so happy that he shook his tail even more happily when he saw the girl in white vomiting up.

Protoss and runes unscrupulously killed its kinsmen, and now it can finally torture the descendants of the gods, and take revenge.

"Little Eel, you are great!"

The gold swallowing beast communicates with the nine yuan thunder eel in a secret language.

If it weren't for the gold swallowing beast to be able to calm down, he would definitely dance and cheer loudly for the nine yuan thunder eel.

(End of this chapter)

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