Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2429: Another gold swallowing beast

Chapter 2429 Another Gold Swallowing Beast

The palace room was damp and dark, and the stone walls were filled with glittering golden objects. Other than that, it was pitch black. Who knows if there will be anything.

According to her wishes, the pair of crystal bracelets between her wrists turned into two meniscus-shaped flying blades, which were held by Jun Mohuang in her hands.

There was a slight wind blowing, blowing hair around the ears.

Jun Mohuangren didn't turn around, the flying blade in his hand came out first, and the two flying blades slashed towards the direction of the breeze.

The first flying blade hit the stone wall, and the hard stone wall of the palace collided with the flying blade with a crisp sound.

The stone wall was harmless, and the flying blade automatically returned to Jun Mohuang's hands.

"So fast, so powerful attack, almost cut off my uncle's tongue!"

A group of black shadows murmured to themselves, speaking in a vague tone, and quickly passed by the flying blade and the stone wall.

This group of black things uttered people's words, Jun Mohuang couldn't see what it was, but he could be sure that it was not a human being.

The black shadow dodges the first flying blade and waved a long whip gracefully like a dragon, making a sound of breaking through the air, unceremoniously attacking like Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang swiftly avoided, waved his small hand, and then waved the flying blade again.

This group of black shadows only took care of attacking Jun Mo Phoenix, but did not notice the rapid arrival of the second flying blade, cutting straight to the center of the whip.


The black shadow let out a vague yell, and the center of the whip dropped strangely, almost avoiding the flying blade.

Jun Mohuang's behavior angered this shadow.

It let out a dull cooing sound, shook the whip faster, and attacked harder.

The long whip cuts the air into countless pieces, forming one after another in the sealed palace.

Jun Mohuang's posture was light and he avoided everything.

Whether it is offensive or speed, her flying blade is better than the long whip wielded by the black shadow.

Within a few minutes, this group of shadows felt unprecedented pressure.

"Little girl, don't fight, don't fight, uncle, I confess to a tie with you!"

This group of dark shadows spoke more vaguely, and their breathing had begun to rush.

"How about that!"

The corner of Jun Mohuang's lips lightly twitched, she hadn't seen exactly what this black shadow was.

Suddenly begging for peace, who knows what bad water is in its stomach.

Jun Mohuang tapped his fingertips lightly, and a group of colorful halos flew out from the fingertips, turning into a big net, covering the black shadow.

Another group of colorful halo turns into several beads, and the seven-color halo is automatically combined into one, turning into a white light source.

The white light completely lights up this palace room.

"Let go of me, what kind of net is this, why is it so strong!"

In the palace room, a large net turned into a colorful halo covered a golden toad.

This golden toad had an extremely indecent posture, with all four feet facing the sky, with a wide open mouth, and a five or six meter long tongue sticking out.

It struggled to restrain its own net and bite it open, but it was in vain.

This golden toad was panicked, there was still metal material it swallowed in this world.

"Golden Swallowing Beast!"

Jun Mohuang couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the prey he had captured.

This golden toad was very similar to the golden girl in its original form, but it was much smaller. She might not hesitate to be sure that this was a golden swallowing beast.

Just now it was constantly attacking with its tongue, not a whip.

It's no wonder that it has been slurred when it utters people's words. It's strange that it can speak clearly while attacking with its tongue.

The light was too dark before, and Jun Mohuang did not see clearly.

Seeing it, Jun Mohuang immediately thought of Jin Niang.

(End of this chapter)

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