Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2428: Give me enough

Chapter 2428 is enough for me

Feng Yunqi and Wu Qianyong exclaimed.

Both of them were from the Kingdom of Fantasy Cloud, and because of Su Zhiyu, they were very impressed with Su Zhiyun.

Jun Mohuang's eyes lightly turned, and immediately remembered the purple fox beside Zi Shuilan.

At that time, Zi Shuilan wanted to give the purple fox to her to raise. She thought that the fox was not pleasing to her eyes, so she didn't want it.

Unexpectedly, Su Zhiyun turned out to be, no wonder she didn't like it at the time.

"Then why Su Zhiyun became a purple fox? What does she have to do with Brother Shui Lan when you go to the Xuandu Realm and become the Beast Emperor."

Feng Yunqi couldn't wait, not only he and Wu Qianyong, but even Jun Mohuang was very curious.

"Su Zhiyun is..."

Zi Shuilan was preparing to decrypt for them, and Di Lingtian's voice sounded again.

"What kind of spirit fruit does Huang'er want to use to make soup with these monster meat?"

"Didn't the Demon Emperor claim to know Mo Phoenix's taste best? It seems that this is not the case now."

Purple brilliance flowed in Zi Shuilan's eyes, and a playful smile appeared on her lips.

Di Lingtian's method of attracting Mo Huang's attention and being jealous was too low.

"Whatever you want, do whatever you want."

No matter how stupid Jun Mohuang is, he now knows why Di Lingtian interrupted Zi Shuilan.

She stroked her forehead, wondering what expression to make.

"The Beast Emperor thinks too much. The deity just wants to experience the joy of cooking with husband and wife with Huang'er."

Emperor Lingtian took Jun Mohuang into his arms, declaring his sovereignty.

"Obviously, now Mo Phoenix only wants to hear the emperor's experience in the Profound Capital Realm, and does not want to experience this kind of fun with the Devil Emperor."

Zi Shuilan did not show weakness, tit-for-tat Di Lingtian.

The two eyes met again, igniting an invisible spark.

"You guys talk slowly, I'll go for a walk and see if I can find other people."

The heads of Jun Mohuang were bigger, and the two men looked like this when they were on the Cangyuan Continent.

This will come again!

Still go first.

"Boss, let's go too."

Feng Yunqi and Wu Qianyong exchanged glances and decided to leave with Jun Mohuang.

They don't want to stay as cannon fodder.

Jun Mohuang was about to get up, but was imprisoned by Emperor Lingtian's arm.

"Huang'er, stay and watch your husband cook for you. Nothing else will happen."

"Mo Huang, still stay and listen to me about the Xuandu Realm."

Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan spoke at the same time to stay.

The two noticed that each other was making a sound at the same time, and their eyes met again.

The two great Yuansheng realm ninth-order Dzogchen masters fought each other and became jealous, the air in the cave plummeted, and the air stagnated.

Feng Yunqi and Wu Qianyong trembled and had difficulty breathing.

"You two, give me enough!"

Jun Mohuang finally couldn't stand it, and stopped.

Zi Shuilan and Di Lingtian saw that she was about to get angry, and only then did they restrain themselves.

Jun Mohuang breathed a sigh of relief, very good, she could finally clean up.

This thought came to the head, and the holy pond turned over again, and the feeling of spinning around the world came again.

Jun Mohuang only had time to feel Di Lingtian's imprisoning her arm tighter, the light and shadow in front of him flashed, and the cave had disappeared.

A few seconds later, she found a palace room in the underground palace.

Di Lingtian, Zi Shuilan, Feng Yunqi, and Wu Qianyong were nowhere to be seen, and she was the only one.

Jun Mohuang understood that they had separated when they were turned over by the holy pond.

Without any companions, Jun Mohuang quickly glanced at his surroundings and increased his vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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