Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2412: Huang'er, come and compliment me

Chapter 2412 Huanger, come and praise me

Jun Mohuang sensed that they had found the soul of the weapon they wanted, and said in a secret language.

The eyes of Feng Yunqi and others were brighter, almost indistinguishable from light bulbs in the dark.

Oh my god, the golden sand under your feet is actually a sacred metal material of gold!

What is really missing!

They have weapon souls in their hands, refining raw materials, and they also have Jun Mohuang, which means they will truly have a golden sacred weapon!

Feng Yunqi and the others began to exert one hundred and twenty points of strength, and kept digging the metal grit under their feet into the space ring.

Jun Mohuang makes seals with one hand and fetches things from the air.

A row of crystal bottles appeared behind her. Outside the barrier, some defensive weapons and weapons were sealed in the crystal bottles and flew into the space ring automatically.

Now, the division of labor between the three has begun to change.

Zi Shuilan and Di Lingtian were still attacking the golden sacred weapons in the air, while Jun Mohuang kept using supernatural powers to seal the weapon spirits of air defense weapons in crystal bottles.

"Shui Lan, I don't think you are also proficient in refining."

When Jun Mohuang saw the purple light in the air and the golden sacred weapons circling several times, he was ready to find the weaknesses of these weapons and disperse them, and couldn't help showing his appreciation.

When she was in Cangyuan Continent, she only knew that Zi Shuilan was proficient in controlling beasts, but she didn't expect that he was so skilled in refining tools as the queen of beasts.

It seems that everyone has grown a lot during the separation period.

"Know a little bit."

A little blush appeared on Zi Shuilan's handsome and strange face, and his happiness was beyond words.

Mo Phoenix is ​​complimenting him.

"Understand a little? Don't be humble. If you know a little at this level, then how many refiners must commit suicide in shame."

Jun Mohuang was talking to Zi Shuilan while collecting defensive gold sacred weapon souls.

Di Lingtian heard the content of the conversation between the two clearly.

There was a chill in the **** eyes, and a jar of old vinegar was knocked over deep in my heart.

Zi Shuilan's speed can't be compared to him at all, why doesn't Huang'er come to praise him, but instead wants to praise Zi Shuilan.

His Huang'er was definitely not wrong, and the fault could only be with the fox Zi Shuilan.

Di Lingtian took a cold glance at Zi Shuilan, and came to Jun Mohuang's side, his whole body surged, red aura raging in the air, Di Lingtian destroyed the golden sacred weapon faster.

"Huang'er, my speed is faster."

There is something in the words of Emperor Lingtian.

Looking at Jun Mohuang expectantly, he kept calling in his heart: Come and praise me, come and praise me!


Unexpectedly, Jun Mohuang just faintly responded, focusing on collecting defensive souls, completely ignoring him.

Di Lingtian's perfect lips were slightly pursed, and bursts of invisible coldness poured out.

Of course, this coldness was aimed at Zi Shuilan.

Jun Mohuang beside Di Lingtian didn't notice anything.

The corners of Zi Shuilan's lips twitched slightly, without showing weakness, bypassing Jun Mohuang to release his own pressure.

The two kept fighting in secret.

Two pairs of eyes, one purple and one red, collided in the air, sparking invisible sparks in the air.

the other side.

The barrier opened by Luo Chen and others was also attacked by the golden sacred weapon, which was as violent as Jun Mohuang.

The spirit races have never seen a golden sacred weapon, let alone deal with it.

Luo Chen is good at all-element attacks and refining medicine. He is not proficient in refining, and cannot be compared with Zi Shuilan, let alone Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang.

The girl in white is good at refining medicine, she doesn't know how to refining equipment at all.

(End of this chapter)

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