Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2411: Picker soul

Chapter 2411 The Soul of Selection

All the weapon souls in the ancient battlefield were awakened one by one, and they were reassembled with golden sand to form their original appearance.

Without a refiner to refining and fusion of different metal materials, the power of this simple assembled weapon is still very different from the real golden sacred weapon. You only need to hit their weak points to break up.

As for the weakness of these golden sacred weapons, Jun Mohuang, as a refiner, is also a very talented refiner, and he can quickly find out with a few trials with flying blades.

After Jun Mohuang's pair of flying blades dealt with the golden holy swords, he immediately attacked other weapons.

She disliked the efficiency too slow, and her heart moved, and the dazzling colorful halo enveloped her.

The colorful halo turns into ten pairs of colorful flying blades, constantly attacking other golden sacred weapons.

Jun Mohuang controlled eleven pairs of flying blades with mental power, his hands were not idle, he kept moving in the void.

Toggle the line of rules related to these golden sacred weapons.

In the air, golden sacred weapons were constantly being scattered by Jun Mohuang, and more fist-big weapon souls appeared.

Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan cooperated with Jun Mohuang tacitly, red aura and purple aura permeated around the enchantment.

Both are using their own means to attack the golden sacred weapon.

Di Lingtian's speed was even faster than Jun Mohuang.

Their method was exactly the same as Jun Mohuang, they did not choose to head-on with the golden sacred weapon, and tried to find out the shortcomings of each golden sacred weapon before attacking.

"It turned out to be the soul of the golden sacred weapon!"

When Feng Yunqi, the Dragon and Mo people heard this, their eyes were full of excitement.

A weapon soul with a gold sacred weapon in hand, even if there are not enough gold sacred-level refining materials, a quasi-golden sacred weapon can be made.

Without the power of a gold sacred weapon, it is good to have a quasi-gold sacred weapon.

It would be better if you could collect all the raw materials for the refiner.

But they didn't expect this kind of thing. The raw materials of the golden sacred refining vessel were too hard to find, and Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian couldn't get it now.

"Choose one of your favorite weapon souls and seal them with a crystal bottle. Don't be greedy, no more than two each."

Jun Mohuang didn't need to look back to know that Feng Yunqi and the others were moved by these weapons.

"Yes, boss!"

"Yes, Her Majesty!"

A burst of cheers came from behind, the demons, beasts, dragons, Mo and Feng Yunqi and others began to stand on the edge of the barrier, using their own methods to choose the soul of their fancy.

They don't have this ability to deal with these golden sacred weapons, so it's better not to go out and make trouble.

Feng Yunqi and the others jumped dazzled.

The three of them swiftly and quickly, the golden sacred weapons were continuously broken up in the air, and the soul of the weapon was revealed.

And the soul of the weapon awakened deep underground, and new golden sacred weapons flew to the border to attack one after another.

In this chaotic situation, it is very difficult to choose a favorite weapon. You must choose with wide-eyed eyes and move fast in your hands, otherwise the weapon will slip away.

Following Jun Mohuang, the people around Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan must be unique. Under this circumstance, they all picked out their favorite souls in just three minutes.

"Very well, now, put all the gold sand under your feet into the space ring, as much as you can."

"These gold sands are all metal raw materials for refining gold sacred weapons."

(End of this chapter)

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