Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2403: Ancient battlefield ruins

Chapter 2403 Ancient Battlefield Ruins

"Ah, ah, so hot, so hot, how can it be so hot!"

Feng Yunqi wanted to lift up his feet and never put them down again. The underground sand was hot like a teppanyaki iron plate, and his feet were like roasted trotters on a teppanyaki.

"Let me go, the sand is all small metal particles! Everyone must be careful not to get scalded."

The clever Feng Yunqi immediately noticed the clue and reminded his companions. He found himself foolish.

The companions all looked at themselves with contemptuous eyes, and their bodies were covered with a layer of water element as a protection to resist the heat of the ground.

Obviously, as soon as they got here, they knew that the sand under their feet was not sand, and they took protective measures immediately. He was the only one who really thought he was stepping on ordinary sand.

"Boss, they bullied me."

Feng Yunqi looked at Jun Mohuang with tears in his eyes, how pitiful it was.

This is not what he pretended, he was really too hot to stand, and he was very wronged.

This group of people was so boring, he would tell them immediately when he found something wrong.

On the other hand, they found that the abnormality didn't say a word, it was really unjustified!

"You are standing too far, beyond the protection of the water elemental spirit."

Jun Mohuang couldn't stand it and reminded him.

Feng Yunqi looked back and saw that everyone was standing on the body of the water elemental spirit, and that layer of water element protection on the body was emitted by the water elemental spirit.

"Oh, I was too excited to come to the holy pond for the first time, and I ran a little far."

Feng Yunqi scratched his head awkwardly, and quickly returned to his companions.

"It's dangerous here, don't run around."

Jun Mohuang nodded lightly, and did not blame him.

Wu Qianyong glanced at Feng Yunqi with extreme contempt, then whispered a silly sentence.

"Wu Qianyong, you say it again!"

Feng Yunqi stared at Wu Qianyong and stepped on him unceremoniously.

"Just talk, silly!"

Wu Qianyong was not polite and lowered his voice.

The quarrel between the two continued, and no one tried to persuade them.

Jun Mohuang set his sights on this desert.

As Feng Yunqi said, this desert is not a real desert.

The sand under their feet is all finely divided metal sand. These metal sands are not formed by the force of nature, but shattered under the impact of powerful energy, and then polished into small round particles after years of grace.

As far as the eyes can see, this piece of metal sand appears golden and clear in the sun, but Jun Mohuang feels a strong killing and blood here.

"This used to be an ancient battlefield."

Di Lingtian walked to her and said softly.

"Ancient battlefield... Then who are the two warring parties."

Jun Mohuang couldn't get angry with him.

The holy pond, like the Tianji Valley, is also a relic of the gods.

Di Lingtian said that this was an ancient battlefield, and the amount of information was too much.

The corners of Di Lingtian's lips twitched slightly, and finally, his Huanger took the initiative to speak to him.

Di Lingtian was about to answer her questions, when a woman screamed in the air.

A white figure kept rolling on the ground, as if she had no strength to stand up, but she was too hot by the metal sand on the ground. She could only barely offset the heat of the ground by rolling on the ground.

She rolled very fast, and in a blink of an eye she rolled from a distance to Jun Mohuang's feet.

Zi Shuilan stretched out her foot to step on the woman to prevent her from hitting Jun Mohuang under the mess.

The woman's tumbling stopped, and Jun Mohuang could see her clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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