Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2402: I really am Mo Phoenix!

Chapter 2402 I am really Mo Phoenix!

The golden lotus leaves and lotus in the pool all melted into golden liquid, sank into the water, and continued to merge and condense at the bottom of the water.

"No, don't do this! Brother Ling Tian, ​​please, I really am Mo Phoenix! Please return it to me!"

The white-clothed girl hugged Di Lingtian's legs, she seemed to have forgotten all that this person had done to her just now, crying and begging.

What Di Lingtian was doing, she knew best in her heart.

He was returning the Essence Crystal to Mo Phoenix's birthplace. Once he did this, she would never have the opportunity to get the Essence Crystal back.

She is about to reveal her stuff, and her fake Mo Phoenix identity will be exposed.

At that time, even Luo Chen, the best fool, would abandon her without hesitation.

She has no value anymore, she is like a mass of mud in this world, she can't lose the crystal of origin!

Di Lingtian kicked her aside directly.

At the bottom of the lotus pond, the golden liquid was still fusing and tempering, and the embryonic form of a lotus seed slowly appeared.

"no no!"

The girl in white was lying next to the lotus pond, tears streaming down her eyes.

Despair spread in her heart.

"If you don't want to lose the crystal of the origin, just follow what the deity says."

Di Lingtian squeezed her chin and lifted her tearful face.

Before the girl in white had time to ask him what he was going to do, she slammed her head into those golden eyes.

In an instant, the world turned into a brilliant golden color in her eyes.

The white-clothed girl's eyes were dull, and two clusters of beating golden light turned over from the bottom of her black eyes, a series of instructions and information merged into her mind.

Seeing this face exactly like Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian's movements suddenly became very gentle, stretched out his hand to caress her lips, and the golden eyes gradually deepened.

If only the real Huang'er was in front of him, he had only met her once, and he would never forget him.

There was a sudden anger in his heart. Why, Di Ling Tianneng has guarded her for both lifetimes, and both lifetimes can get her heart.

He asked himself that he didn't need Di Lingtian in any respect, he just didn't meet him before Di Lingtian.

Why didn't he have such luck? When he was not born, he would suffer such a miserable fate!

Betrayed by the most trusted brother, and killed by his own mother, the golden eyes burned with intense hatred.

He wants revenge! He wanted to grab everything that Di Lingtian liked into his own hands.

He wants to defeat Emperor Lingtian, enjoy the things of Emperor Lingtian, and fall into the pain of eternal life.

He must achieve this goal by any means.

Now, the person who achieved the first link of this goal is right in front of him.

"Woman, because you look exactly like her, it's cheaper for you this time."

He pinched the chin of the white-clothed girl, tried his best to restrain his disgust, leaned over and covered it.

The sudden intimacy made the girl in white dizzy.

In the dizziness, something cool to the touch flowed into her throat, into her stomach, and soon the girl in white clothes abdomen.

The white-clothed girl's brain was like a ball of paste, she didn't realize what was going on.

She couldn't figure out what was going on with Di Lingtian, she was rude to her before, but now she started to get close to her again.

Could it be that he still has her in his heart?

Yes, it must be so.

After Di Lingtian let go of her, the white-clothed girl was extremely shy, and pretended to push him away with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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