Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2385: Birthplace, the holy pond is present

Chapter 2385 Birthplace, Holy Pond Appears

"Impossible, don't forget, it was the Nine Nether World Demon Empress who changed Youlanhua's medicinal effect that caused our wife's miscarriage. The Empress must have nothing to do with this!"

But more spirit races still choose to believe her.

Luo Chen didn't speak, and they had no reason to believe it.

Their king is wise and martial, and he has never made a mistake in his judgment.

"My lord, what Huang'er did wrong, you have to treat her like this!"

With two slaps on the black shadow leader, Luo Chen finally took his gaze away from Jun Mohuang's face.

Luo Chen's face was gloomy, and he helped the girl in white.

If he didn't want to use this person, he would kill him immediately.

The leader of the black shadow man sneered, "This deity advises the god, it is better not to overdo this woman, so as not to raise her stupidly, it will only make a mistake!"

The white-clothed girl could not hear the cynicism of the black shadow leader, nor the doubtful eyes of the spirit race, even she didn't even notice that she slapped the black shadow leader twice.

All the attention of the white-clothed girl was attracted by the movement made by the origin heart in the sea of ​​qi.

The heart of the origin hit her sea of ​​qi with stronger and stronger force, the girl in white was suffering abnormally, cracks had begun to appear in the sea of ​​qi.

In extreme pain, the white-clothed girl knew that if this continued, the Origin Crystal would surely rush out of the sea of ​​qi and return to Jun Mohuang.

Without the Crystal of Origin, she will lose her greatest support, and the lie of her identity will be broken.

Can't stay here anymore, can't let this happen!

In a hurry, the white-clothed girl didn't know where she was, and pushed away the leader of the black shadow man and Luo Chen.

Behind him, the white wings spread out, his toes leaped, and he rushed into the air at the fastest speed in his life.

The girl in white did all this completely subconsciously, she only knew that she was leaving, she must leave!

She wanted to hide, hiding in a place where no one but she thought could enter, waiting for the miracle caused by Jun Mohuang to disappear.

She was looking for a place where Luo Chen couldn't get in either.

Unfortunately, she happened to know such a place, which was the birthplace of her and Mo Phoenix.

Except for the two of them, no one can enter.

Mo Phoenix could have entered, but it was a pity that she lost her original heart and couldn't enter.

This place is most suitable.

The white-clothed girl rushed to somewhere above the spiritual palace, tapped the void with her ten fingers, and tore her hands forcefully, and the void was immediately torn apart by her.

The incomparable spiritual energy and the vitality of heaven and earth poured out, and a large white lake emerged from the gap in the void.

The holy pond came out, and countless energies gushed out of it. The entire heavenly spirit world was centered on the spiritual capital, and the air and the ground vibrated violently.

Everywhere in the air is the sound of explosions when too pure energy is released.

The girl in white looked overjoyed at Shengchi, and she was finally safe.

His wings shook behind him and flew towards the holy pond.

At the moment when the holy pond was present, continuously nourished by the power of the light source, the Jun Mohuang who was in deep cultivation opened his eyes leisurely.

Two **** of golden light burned in her eyes.

Without waiting for her to move, the one with the ten golden phoenix phantoms immediately landed on the ground, no matter how many spirit races would be swept over by the landing, it slid respectfully at Jun Mohuang's feet.

Jun Mohuang leapt lightly on his toes and stepped onto the golden phoenix back.

The golden phoenix flew her towards the holy pond like an arrow from the string.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you JX-H6 for your reward.

Every time I get to this kind of important plot, I always feel that I don’t write well and vomit blood.

(End of this chapter)

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