Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2384: Absolutely impossible to be true

Chapter 2384 is absolutely impossible to be true

The sound of ten phoenixes is clear and sweet, just like fairy music.

Huang Wu nine days, Xianle and Ming.

All the people of the Spirit Race looked at all of this, showing a fascinating look, completely indulged in it, not knowing what eve is today.

The ten golden phoenixes danced and cried, which was a level higher than the miracles of the girl in white clothes when she was born.

When she made a sound, there were only nine golden phoenixes hovering in the sky, there was no flying, and there was no phoenix that was so pleasing to the ear.

Luo Chen's eyes were all shocked, looking at Jun Mohuang in the golden light.

All this is caused by her, how is this possible!

No, this must be the alien phase of heaven and earth that occurred when Huang'er was deprived of the power of the light source.

All these abnormalities occurred because of the girl in white, not because of this woman surnamed Jun.

This woman surnamed Jun is nothing but the light of his Huang'er, she is just a robber, she definitely cannot be the real Mo Phoenix!

Huang'er was born in the holy pond just like his previous life in this life, born under his nose. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

Luo Chen kept hinting at himself like this in his heart, but he couldn't look away from Jun Mohuang, and even forgot to go to help the girl in white to get up.

Di Lingtian looked at the golden phoenix flying in the sky inadvertently and directly blocked Luo Chen's gaze.

"Do not!"

The white-clothed girl curled up on the ground in pain, clutching her anger.

In the sea of ​​qi, the Heart of Origin was attracted by the divine energy emanating from Jun Mohuang's side, constantly hitting her sea of ​​qi, and wanted to leave to go to Jun Mohuang.

The white-clothed girl was extremely painful, and the room leaked in the night rain, and her luck could be regarded as unlucky to the extreme.

The black shadow man leader in a closed chamber in the spiritual palace was awakened by the movement. He immediately rushed to the place where the incident occurred, but he saw the white-clothed girl who had lost all the power of the light source crawling on the ground.

All the power of the light source is unique to Jun Mohuang, causing a vision of heaven and earth.

The black shadow leader immediately understood what was going on and couldn't help being furious.

The leader of the black shadow man stepped forward and mentioned the white-clothed girl who was trembling with pain on the ground, and even though Luo Chen was here, he directly rewarded her with two big ears.

The black shadow man's boss was so powerful that he overturned the white girl to the ground again with two slaps.

"What's the matter with you! The deity created the conditions for you to obtain a large number of light sources, and personally arranged this excellent orchid to cause miscarriage by the pregnant women of the Celestial Spirit Realm. You need to go through the scene and act as the savior to collect enough. The power of the light source, you rubbish, you can't even do this thing well!"

If it were before, he would never dare to treat the girl in white like this.

But his loyal master has awakened, and he will have his master to rely on. This incompetent woman will be beaten as soon as she hits, and what can she do with him.

The black shadow man shouted with anger, and his angry voice reached the ears of everyone present.

"What, the miscarriage of pregnant women of the entire Celestial Spirit Realm is related to the Queen of God?

The spirit races immediately exploded and looked at the white-clothed girl with incredible gazes. The gazes of these spirit races were full of suspicion and exploration, and they no longer had the same trust and admiration as before.

Some of them are very reluctant even to call her the Queen of Gods. After all, it was Jun Mohuang who caused the miracle, it was the Mo Clan, the blood-carrying Nine Nether Realm Queen of the Human Spirit Clan, not the white-clothed girl.

Many people think of the Mo people being expelled from the Heavenly Spirit World, and immediately began to doubt the identity of the girl in white.

(End of this chapter)

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