Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2355: Kill you while you are sick

Chapter 2355 Take advantage of your illness and kill you

These lines belong to the unfinished God of War array interrupted by Zi Shuilan.

The golden lines were all grayed out because they were interrupted by Zi Shuilan.

The chaotic lines that were blown up by the purple aura are now spontaneously forming a nine-petal black lotus.

The black lotus grows rapidly in the nine-petal black lotus, and a vigorous energy is nurtured in the lotus.

But Luo Chen only cared about him on the embankment, and he didn't even notice.


Luo Chen sneered, this new Beast Emperor was really good.

Using this kind of reason and excuse, let him launch an attack when he looked down at the clone below, which was extremely sinister and cunning, and he was the same as Emperor Lingtian.

Luo Chen thought this way, but his eyes drooped slightly.

Nine huge black lotus seeds ejected from the black lotus lotus, and turned into nine flying arrows in the air, tearing the air with the force of thunder.

The target of the nine flying arrows pointed directly at Luo Chen.

The nine flying arrows were fast, accurate, and ruthless, and they were all close at hand.

Luo Chen's eyes shrank suddenly, shocked in his heart.

The wings fluttered behind him, avoiding nine flying arrows.

Luo Chen reacted swiftly and had a flexible figure. Only nine flying arrows could be wiped through the robe and flew by. The pure white silk satin outer robe with exquisite dark cloud patterns was wiped out by the flying arrows.

Luo Chen looked at Zi Shuilan with an incredible expression in his eyes.

"The Beast Emperor is such a powerful method."

The power of the nine flying arrows is too strong, if it were not for his reminder, he would definitely not be able to hide.

"It seems that the gods only know one, but don't know the second. The God of War formation is the formation of the gods. A mortal, delusional to use the power of the gods, unsuccessful is to blaspheme the gods, and they are naturally backfired."

"This emperor doesn't know anything about the gods, and obviously the person who gave them this formation didn't tell the gods about this."

Zi Shuilan's amethyst-like eyes were a little gloating in misfortune.

It is not so easy for non-Protoss people to use the power of the Protoss.

Luo Chen's heart was stunned, the black shadow man boss did not tell him what would happen after failure.

Zi Shuilan looked behind Luo Chen and chuckled: "Be careful, God, those nine flying arrows have come back to attack you again."

Luo Chen turned around abruptly, and as expected, he dodged nine flying arrows again.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast Luo Chen reacted, the nine flying arrows still passed by, and wiped out the neat nine holes in his robe.

The nine flying arrows only attacked Luo Chen, and ignored Zi Shuilan on one side.

The God of War array will only backfire the people who carved the array.

The God of War Array can kill the ninth-order strong of Yuansheng Realm with one blow, and the attack power of backlash is naturally not weak.

Luo Chen was busy dealing with the nine flying arrows, ignoring Zi Shuilan.

He found that no matter what method he used, he could not get rid of the nine flying arrows and launch a full-element attack. The damage to these flying arrows was very small.

Luo Chen felt a headache and scolded the leader of the black shadow man **** in his heart.

The more headache was still behind, and Zi Shuilan, who was watching the excitement on the side, suddenly wanted to get in.

Zi Shuilan drew out two purple long swords, "The gods are so skilled, the emperor will come to ask the gods for advice."

In the air, with nine black flying arrows, Luo Chen's white figure and the purple figure of Zi Shuilan were constantly intertwined.

The purple aura, the power of the white light source and the various elements continue to flash.

The powerful energies continuously output by the two collided with each other, constantly shaking this space.

Excess energy is stagnant nearby, clouds in the sky, strong winds, lightning and thunder, it is a doomsday scene.

Luo Chen suffered an enemy from his stomach and back, and was miserable by Zi Shuilan and the nine flying arrows.

Today's update is complete...

Thank God of War, Bai Qi Baobao for your reward.

Well, today's state is still not ideal, only one more chapter than yesterday, and I continue to adjust my state.

(End of this chapter)

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