Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2354: Meet the two kings

Chapter 2354 Meet the Two Kings

All elemental attacks do not work!

Luo Chen's heart shuddered, and immediately emitted a giant sword condensed by the power of a light source.

But the speed of the purple aura was too fast, Luo Chen could only watch the purple aura accurately hit two golden threads that were only half a centimeter away.

The sword of light he emitted was still in midair, far away from the target.

"Do not!"

Accompanied by Luo Chen's angry shout, the entire valley rang loudly, the earth shook violently, and the flat land was cracked.

While the rocks and soil were flying over, Luo Chen spent three days and three nights engraving the God of War array, all darkened and completely destroyed.

Luo Chen's white wings spread out behind him, avoiding the flying dirt and stones, and flew high.

The effort was ruined, and Luo Chen's light and breezy eyes were bloodshot and red. He wanted to see who had the ability to tear his enchantment and destroy his God of War formation.

The gorgeous purple wings spread out to block the sunlight, and the roots of purple feathers overflowed with satin-like streamers.

The coercion of the Ninth-level Great Perfection of Yuansheng Realm filled every inch of space.

Purple hair, purple eyes, handsome and monster face.

Zi Shuilan's purple eyes squirted slightly, and the corners of her lips curled up with an arc that was enough to make the orc females head over heels.

"Luo Chen, long time no see."

"The new Beast Emperor is quite capable."

Luo Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at Zi Shuilan coldly.

Facts have proved that he greatly underestimated the new Beast Emperor in front of him, he could actually see through and break his barrier.

Luo Chen was extremely angry.

His underestimation led to his hard-to-loss mistakes.

He could have killed the Beast King on the spot, but now, he has lost this opportunity.

Zi Shuilan sneered and replied: "With each other, I didn't expect that the gods of the heavenly spirit world could actually engrave the formations of the gods. This is far beyond the emperor's expectation."

Luo Chen snorted softly, not responding.

Just being an Emperor Lingtian had already caused Luo Chen a headache, and Luo Chen wouldn't let himself be an opponent of the ninth-order Great Perfection of Yuansheng Realm.

There is the Beast Emperor of the Xuandu Realm in front of him, and the Emperor Ling Tian is staring at him behind him. Luo Chen definitely can't face Zi Shuilan head-on.

He was thinking quickly in his mind, how to ensure that he would kill Zi Shuilan without being injured.

The problem is that the God of War array he worked so hard to draw has been destroyed, and now he has lost his chance.

The only thing that comforted Luo Chen was that his 28 capable subordinates led the Celestial Spirit Realm army successfully against the Orc army.

As long as the fighting between the two sides continues and enough battle soul breath can be generated, he can still engrave the God of War array and kill Zi Shuilan.

"Hmph, the **** is thinking about **** the emperor by preserving his strength. The emperor thinks that the **** should not consider this now. Doesn't the **** know that the protoss formation is extremely powerful but has a fatal flaw."

Zi Shuilan looked at Luo Chen for an instant, and smiled lightly on his bewitching and handsome face.

"Fatal weakness? Ben Jun wants to ask the Beast Emperor for advice."

Luo Chen's tone was cold, but he didn't mean to ask for advice.

He has penetrated the God of War formation for so long, and the combination of the runes of the God of War is exquisite and perfect, without any shortcomings.

This person is alarmist.

"If you don't believe me, please take a look down, and you will immediately know what this fatal weakness is."

Zi Shuilan's eyes drooped slightly, looking towards the valley that had been blasted into flat ground by the purple spirit.

The Great Array of God of War, destroyed by Zi Shuilan, loomed among the flying dust, wisps of gray lines gleaming with dim light.

(End of this chapter)

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